Zhou Yafu had strict military discipline, and Emperor Wen of the Han Dynasty was wise and generous
Zhou Yafu’s army was thin and willows
Sima Qian [Han Dynasty]
Sixth year after Emperor Wen In that year, the Xiongnu invaded the border. So Zongzheng Liu Li was appointed as the general, and the army was overlord; Xu Li, the Marquis of Zhuzi, was appointed as the general, and the army was at the Thorn Gate; Hanoi Shou Yafu was appointed as the general, and the army was at Xiliu: to prepare for Hu.
Come on from Laojun. The Supreme Overlord and the Thorny Gate Army galloped straight in and sent the following riders to greet them. The willow army is now thin, and the sergeants are fully equipped with armor, sharp swords, bows and crossbows. The emperor arrived first and was not allowed to enter. The pioneer said: "The Emperor is here!" The captain of the military gate said: "The general's order said: 'The army hears the general's order, but not the emperor's edict.'" There is no place to stay. If you go up to it, you can't enter. So Shangnai sent an envoy to General Chijiezhao: "I want to join the labor force." Yafunai spread the news and opened the door. The official of Bimen said to the subordinate chariots and riders: "The general has made an appointment, and the army is not allowed to drive." So the emperor pressed the bridle and marched slowly. When they arrived at the camp, General Yafu bowed with his troops and said: "If you don't bow to me, please show me military courtesy." The emperor was moved and changed his appearance to a chariot. The messenger thanked him: "The emperor pays tribute to the general." After the ceremony, he left.
As soon as he left the army, all the officials were shocked. Emperor Wen said: "Hey, this is a true general! If the leader of the Overlord and the Thorny Gate Army is playing tricks on his ears, his general will be able to attack and capture him. As for Yafu, he can get it and commit evil!" Those who praise him for good will stick to it for a long time.
In the sixth year after Emperor Wen of Han Dynasty, the Xiongnu invaded the Han Dynasty border on a large scale. Therefore, the imperial court appointed Zong Zhengguan Liu Li as the general and garrisoned at Ba Shang; appointed Marquis of Zhuzi Xu Li as the general and garrisoned at Jimen; appointed Zhou Yafu, the prefect of Hanoi County as the general and garrisoned at Xiliu to guard against Xiongnu intrusion.
The emperor personally went to comfort the army. When they arrived at the military camps of Bashang and Thorny Gate, they drove directly in and were greeted by the general and his subordinates on horseback. Soon after I arrived at the Xiliu Military Camp, I saw that the officers and soldiers were all wearing armor, holding sharp weapons, with bows and arrows drawn, and they were heavily guarded. The emperor's advance guard arrived in front of the camp and were not allowed to enter. The guard who went ahead said: "The emperor is about to arrive." The general guarding the military camp replied: "The general has an order: 'The army only obeys the general's orders, not the emperor's orders.'" Soon after, the emperor arrived and refused to let him go. Enter the military camp. In this case, the emperor sent an envoy to take the talisman to tell the general: "I want to enter the camp to comfort the army." Zhou Yafu then sent an order to open the gate of the military camp. The officers and soldiers guarding the gate of the camp said to the military attaché following the emperor: "The general has stipulated that driving and galloping are not allowed in the military camp." So the emperor's motorcade had no choice but to hold the reins and move forward slowly. Arriving in front of the camp, General Zhou Yafu saluted with weapons in his hands and said: "Generals wearing armor are not allowed to kneel and salute. Please allow me to see you in accordance with military etiquette." The emperor was moved by this, and the expression on his face changed. He leaned over and supported him. On the crossbar, someone was sent to say: "The emperor respectfully expresses condolences to the general." After the ceremony, Lao Jun resigned.
Out of the gate of Xiliu Military Camp, many ministers were deeply surprised. Emperor Wen sighed and said: "Ah! This is the real general. The previous military camps of Bashang and Thorny Gate were just like child's play. The Huns could have captured the generals there through sneak attacks. As for Zhou Yafu, how could he be invaded? Here!" He praised Zhou Yafu for a long time.