The language of "Tao Te Ching" pays attention to artistry and uses a variety of rhetorical methods to make the words and sentences accurate, vivid, rational and contagious.
Those who know others are wise, and those who know themselves are wise. The victor is powerful, and the victor is strong. Contented people are rich. The strong are ambitious. Don't lose their lives. The life of the dead but not dead. Because it doesn't end up being big, it can become big.
If you want to touch something, you must expand it; if you want to weaken it, you must strengthen it; if you want to abolish it, you must strengthen it; if you want to take it, you must strengthen it. It's twilight.
Weakness defeats strength. Fish cannot escape from the abyss, and the sharp weapons of the country cannot be shown to others.
The Tao is always inaction.
If you are virtuous but not virtuous, you are virtuous; if you are virtuous but not virtuous, you are unvirtuous. The superior virtue is inaction and inaction; the inferior virtue is inaction and there is an idea. The superior virtue does not do anything; the superior virtue has ideas for it. If you don't deserve a gift, you throw it away. Therefore, virtue comes after the loss of morality, benevolence comes after the loss of morality, righteousness comes after the loss of benevolence, etiquette comes after the loss of righteousness.
There is no greater disaster than not being satisfied; no sin is greater than desire. So contentment is often enough.
A husband who is ungrateful and has weak loyalty is the beginning of chaos.
In the past, one got one: the sky got one for purity; the earth got one for tranquility; the gods got one for spirit; the grain got one for life; the prince got one for making the world right.
When a sergeant hears the Tao, he or she will practice diligently; when a sergeant hears the Tao, he or she will live or die; when a corporal hears the Tao, he will smile. Not smiling is not enough. Therefore, the suggestions are as follows: To know the way is like ignorance; to advance is like retreating; to be ignorant of the way is to die; The image is invisible; the Tao is nameless.
Do nothing. To conquer the world, there is often nothing to do. Having something to do is not enough to conquer the world.
Tao produces one, which produces two, two produces three, and three produces all things. All things bear the yin and embrace the yang, and the energy is in harmony.
The evil of man, being lonely, widowed, and lacking in food, is regarded by the prince as a reputation.
What others teach, I also teach. A strong man cannot die, I will think of him as a godfather.
The most soft in the world, the strongest in the world. Without entering the Infinite, I would benefit from knowing the inaction.
Teaching without words and doing nothing will bring benefits that the world can hope for.
Relatives of name and body, the amount of body and goods, the disease related to death
Love will cost a lot; hiding too much will lead to death. Therefore, if you know what you are content with, you will not be disgraced, if you know you are content, you will not be disgraced, and you will be able to endure for a long time.
If a great achievement is lacking, it will be useless to use it. If there is a huge surplus, it will be inexhaustible. Straight as if bending, great as clumsy, great as argumentative.
Quietness beats impatience, cold beats heat. Peace brings justice to the world.
Those who know do not speak, and those who speak do not know.
My words are easy to know and easy to do. The world cannot know it and cannot do it.
Words have a lineage, and affairs have a king. My husband is just ignorant and doesn’t know.
Whether you know it or not, it’s okay; if you don’t know, it’s also a disease. The saint is not sick because of his illness. Wu Wei is sick because he is not sick.
The sky net is vast, sparse but not missing.
People are not afraid of death, but why should they be afraid of death? If the people are always afraid of death and there are strange people, I must kill them.
Human hunger, the food tax is so high, is hunger. If a person is difficult to treat, there are many things to do above to make it difficult to treat. People take death lightly, and the above-mentioned thickness of survival is to take death lightly. Only those who cannot give birth are worthy of birth.
Thwart its sharpness, resolve its confusion, its light, and its dust are the same as the mystery.
Therefore, if you can't get it, you will be close; if you can't get it, you will be distant; if you can't get it, you will benefit; if you can't get it, it will hurt; if you can't get it, it will be expensive; if you can't get it, it will be cheap. So the world is expensive.
Rule the country with integrity, use military force with dexterity, and conquer the world with nothing. How do I know? So: there are many taboos in the world, but people make up for poverty; when there are many people and sharp weapons, the country becomes comatose; when there are many people and tricks, strange things flourish; when the law is revealed, there are many thieves. Therefore, the sage said: If I do nothing, the people will become themselves; if I am quiet, the people will be upright; if I have nothing to do, the people will become rich; if I have no desires, the people will be simple.
You can know the world without leaving home; you can’t get a glimpse of the way of heaven. It is far away, but it knows little. The sage does not know, understands without seeing, and achieves without doing.
The government is boring, but the people are honest; the government is dull, but the people are lacking. Be a saint without cutting, be honest without being arrogant, be upright without being unreasonable, be bright without being dazzling.
Misfortune lies where blessings depend, and fortune lies where misfortune lies. Who knows its extremes? It has no front. The good ones become strange again, and the good ones become monsters again. People's confusion lasts for a long time.
There is no better way to govern people than to be stingy.
Governing a big country is like cooking small dishes.
The great country is inferior, the mother of the world, and the friend of the world. The mother often wins over the male by being quiet, and the male is inferior by being quiet. Therefore, in a big country, each husband can get what he wants, and the bigger one should be the next.
Inaction, nothing, tasteless.
The picture is more difficult than the easy one, and the detail is greater than the detail; the difficult things in the world must be easy, and the great things in the world must be detailed. Saints are not big, so they can become big.
A man who promises lightly will be distrustful, and what is easy will be difficult. Therefore, it is still difficult for the sage, so it will not be difficult in the end.
The God of Grain is immortal and is the Xuan Mother. The gate of Xuanmu is the root of heaven and earth. If it persists, it will not be used diligently.
There is a way in the world, but it is just like a horse. There is no justice in the world, and soldiers and horses are born in the suburbs.
The Tao can be Tao, but it is very Tao. Famous, very famous. The beginning of the nameless heaven and earth; the mother of all things.
The tree that hugs each other is born from the smallest millimeter; the nine-story platform starts from tired soil; the journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.
Therefore, the Tao is big, the sky is big, the earth is big, and so are people. There are four major ones in the domain, and humans live in one of them.
Goodness is like water. Water is good for all things and does not compete with it. It is disliked by others, so it is almost the Tao.
Man follows the earth, the earth follows the sky, heaven follows the Tao, and the Tao follows nature.
All things in the world are born from existence, and existence is from non-existence.
Everyone in the world knows that beauty is beauty, but it is evil. As we all know, good is good, and this is not good.
From birth to death. Three out of ten people will be affected by life; three out of ten people will be affected by death; three out of ten people's lives will be affected by death.
Whether there is mutual generation, it is difficult to complement each other, long and short are complementary to each other, high and low are complementary to each other, sounds are harmonious to each other, and front and rear are accompanied by each other.
If you do not respect the virtuous, people will not fight; if you do not value rare goods, people will not steal them; if you do not see what you want, people will not be confused. Therefore, the rule of the sage is to make his heart weak, his belly strong, his ambition weak, and his bones strong. It often makes people ignorant and desireless. A wise man would not dare to do it. If you do nothing, you do nothing.
The heaven and the earth are unkind and regard all things as gullible dogs; the saints are unkind and regard the common people as gullible dogs.
It is better to stay focused than to talk too much.
Human life is also weak, and his death is also strong. The life of vegetation is also fragile, and its death is also withering. Therefore, the strong dies, the weak live. If the soldiers are strong, they will be destroyed, if the wood is strong, they will be folded. In strong places, in weak places.
The way of heaven is like stretching a bow. Those who are high suppress it, and those who are low lift it. Those who have more will lose it, and those who have less will make up for it. The way of heaven is to have more than enough damage but not enough.
The way of man, otherwise, the loss will not be enough to give more than enough. Who can spare enough to serve the world is Taoist priests.
Sages often have no intention and only care about others.
I will be good to those who are good; I will also be good to those who are not good; virtue is good. Those who believe, I believe; those who do not believe, I also believe; virtue is trustworthy.
Tao arises from it, virtue comes from animals, things form from it, and potential comes from it. All things do not respect Tao but value virtue.
The respect of Tao, the nobility of virtue, and the fate of the husband are always natural. Therefore, Tao gives birth to it, virtue brings it to animals; grows it and nurtures it; matures it and matures it; nourishes it and overturns it. Born without being, doing without relying on, growing without killing. It is called Xuande.
The virtue of self-cultivation is true; the virtue of a family of self-cultivation is residual; the virtue of a country of self-cultivation is long; the virtue of a country of self-cultivation is abundant; the virtue of a world of self-cultivation is universal. Therefore, observe the body through the body, observe the family through the family, observe the township through the township, observe the state through the state, and observe the world through the world. Why do I know the world?