Confucius said: Disciples are filial when they enter, but they are filial when they leave. They are sincere and believe, and they love others and are kind to others. If they have spare capacity, they will learn literature.
Confucius said: The father is here, so we can see his ambition. Father didn't, watch his actions. Three years without changing the way of the father can be described as filial piety.
Meng Yizi asked about filial piety. Confucius said, "No violation." Fan Chi Yu, the son told him: "Meng Sun asked me about filial piety, and I didn't violate it." Fan Chi said, "What is it?" Confucius said, "When you are alive, you should treat things with courtesy, when you die, you should treat them with courtesy when you are buried, and you should treat them with courtesy when you are sacrificed."
Meng wubo asks about filial piety. Confucius said, "Parents are only worried about their illness."
Ziyou asks about filial piety. Confucius said, "Today's filial piety means being able to support. As for dogs and horses, they can be supported. Why not disrespect them?"
filial piety is asked in summer. Confucius said, "Color is difficult. If you have something to do, I will take care of it, and I will have food and wine. Sir, did you think it was filial? "
Confucius said, "It's filial piety to have not changed your father's ways for three years."
Confucius said, "You must know the age of your parents. One is to be happy, and the other is to be afraid. "
Confucius said, "filial piety, min ziqian. People are not in the words of their parents Kun Di. "
I asked, "Three years of mourning is a long time. If a gentleman is not polite for three years, the courtesy will be bad; If you don't have fun for three years, you will have fun. The old valley is gone, the new valley is rising, and the period is over. " Confucius said, "What about eating husband rice and clothes brocade?" Say, "Ann." "RuAn for it. The husband and wife are in mourning, unwilling to eat, unhappy to hear music, and uneasy to live, so they are not doing it. Now that you are safe, do it. " When he slaughtered me, Confucius said, "It is unkind to give it. The child is born for three years, and then he is free from his parents' arms. The loss of a husband for three years is the loss of the whole world. Have you loved your parents for three years? "
The above translation
1. Youzi (a disciple of Confucius, whose surname is Mingruo) said: "The promise kept is moral, and the promise made can be fulfilled. If your attitude and appearance conform to etiquette, you will not be insulted. Relying on people with deep relationships is reliable
2. Confucius said, "Young children (disciples here refer to young people) are filial to their parents. Leave one's house (The Book of Rites. Neize ":'if you are above the command, your father and son are in different palaces'. Disciples here refer to tasks above life. If you enter your father's palace, you will love your brother if you leave your own palace. Be taciturn, love the public, and be close to people with benevolence. After practicing in this way, I have spare energy to study literature.
3. Confucius said, "When his father is alive (he has no right to act independently), we should observe his aspirations; After his father died, we should examine his behavior. If we don't change the way of fatherhood for a long time, we can say that we have done filial piety.
4. Meng Yizi (doctor of Lu, surname Zhong Sun, name He Ji, and posthumous title) asked Confucius about filial piety. Confucius said: Don't break the etiquette. Soon, Fan Chi (a Confucius student, surnamed Fan Mingshu, with a late word) drove for Confucius. Confucius told him, "Meng Sun asked me about filial piety, and I replied, don't violate etiquette." Fan Chi asked, "What do you mean?" Confucius said, "When parents are alive, they serve them according to the prescribed etiquette, and when they die, they are buried and sacrificed according to the prescribed etiquette.
5. Meng Wubo (Zhong Sun Bi, son of Meng Yizi) asked Confucius about filial piety. Confucius replied: "Parents are only worried about their filial sons' illness (meaning that filial sons should be considerate of their parents, take care of their health, and don't let their parents worry)
6. Ziyou (a Confucius student, surnamed Yan, Ziyou) asked about filial piety, and Confucius said:" The so-called filial piety now means that it is enough to support their parents. As for dogs and horses, if it is not serious.
7. Zi Xia (a student of Confucius, surnamed Bu Mingshang, Zi Xia) asked Xiao, and Confucius said, "It is difficult for a son to look happy in front of his parents. There are things, young people serve, food and wine, and older people eat and drink.
can this be considered filial piety?
8. Confucius said, "I can't help but know my parents' age. I am happy for them and worried at the same time.
9. Zaiwo (a Confucius student) asked," It is too long to keep mourning for three years after my parents die. If a gentleman doesn't practice etiquette for three years, his manners will be abandoned, and if he doesn't play music for three years, his music will be lost. Now that Chen Gu has finished eating, the new valley has come out again, and the flint wood has gone through another cycle, and one year will be enough. "
Confucius said, "(My parents died, less than three years later), you ate that white rice and wore a satin dress. Are you uneasy?"
The butcher said, "Ann."
Confucius said, "If you are safe, just do it! A gentleman's filial piety, eating delicious and sweet food, listening to music is not happy, and living at home is not comfortable, so he doesn't do it. Now that you feel at ease, do it. "
I retired, and Confucius said, "It's cruel to slaughter me! It will take three years for girls to leave their parents' arms completely. Being filial to his parents for three years is the case all over the world. Didn't Zai Yu get the love from his parents for three years?
1. A son said, "He is a man who is filial to his parents and loves his brother." (The "brother" in his filial piety is ti. Filial piety is the correct attitude towards parents, but it is rare to offend superiors. People who don't like to offend their superiors, but like to rebel, have never been like this. A gentleman devotes himself to the basic work, and when the foundation is established, Tao comes into being. Filial piety is the foundation of benevolence, isn't it?
Abstract: Filial piety is a traditional virtue of the Chinese people. Before Confucius, the Chinese people's interpretation of filial piety has become very ugly. Starting with the Confucian classic The Analects, this paper analyzes Confucius' thoughts on filial piety and discusses the concept of "filial piety" in the Analects.
key words: filial piety; Analects of Confucius; Confucius
Filial piety is one of the traditional focus virtues of the Chinese nation. In fact, the thought of filial piety occurred long before Confucius. In the bronze inscriptions of the Western Zhou Dynasty, the word "filial piety" was from the old to the child, symbolizing the trip of the old man to help the child, symbolizing the young people to support the elderly. "Filial piety is appropriate, and it is not limited to parents. Fathers and ancestors should also do good deeds." In ancient clan and tribal societies, the meaning of "filial piety" is very broad, which refers to the respect, love, support and memorial to the middle-aged elders of the clan [1]. With the family becoming the basic unit of society and the long-term growth of society, "filial piety" has also changed from respect for the elders in the clan to care for the parents, and has become the main ethical norm for dealing with the internal relations of the family. Even today, "filial piety" for the living is more seriously regarded. However, the idea of filial piety in the Analects of Confucius is closer to that in ancient times, that is, "filial piety" is not only an obligation to parents, but also a moral basis of loyalty to the country and one of the criteria for becoming a qualified taxi. In Confucius' view, filial piety is not only a material support, but also a spiritual comfort and memorial.
The Spring and Autumn Period is an era of intense social transformation in China's history. The transformation of social and economic system will inevitably lead to the vacillation of traditional ideology. Under the social situation of ritual collapse and bad music, the filial piety thought of maintaining interpersonal relationships in the traditional patriarchal society has also been seriously impacted, and the phenomenon of son killing father and minister killing monarch has occurred from time to time. In the process of social order and reconstruction of filial piety ethics in put in order, Confucius played a major role.
First of all, Confucius believes that "filial piety" is the root of all moral norms and the premise of their growth. The Analects of Confucius recorded a famous saying by Confucius' student, Youzi: "Being upright and caring for others is the foundation of benevolence." This sentence means that filial piety is the root of being a man, and people's trip is more than filial piety. If people can't do filial piety, then other qualities will be out of the question. A son is Confucius' thought, but it is an extension of Confucius' thought of filial piety. Confucius himself said, "Students are filial when they enter, and they are brothers when they leave. They are sincere and believe, and they love others and are kind. If you have spare energy, you will learn literature. " In another Confucian classic, The Book of Filial Piety, there is another saying: "Filial piety is the classic of heaven and the meaning of the earth." Confucianism has theoretically affirmed that filial piety is one of the most important elements of human relations. "Benevolence" is the need criterion that Confucius emphasized as a saint, and filial piety, as the core of benevolence, shows its main position. Some children think that "it is rare to be a filial brother and a good offender;" Those who are not good at committing crimes, but who are good at making trouble, have nothing to do with it. " Offences and insurrections are disloyalty, while those who are filial seldom commit crimes without insurrection, and they are advocates of loyalty and patriotism. We often say the word "filial piety" at the moment. It seems that offering represents the will to tame the elders or authority. Is that filial piety just stupid loyalty and resignation? Many people criticize the stupidity and conservatism of Dedication on the basis of misinterpretation. In fact, only this point, Confucius has long given the answer. On one occasion, Ceng Zi asked Confucius whether "filial piety" was equivalent to "obeying the orders of the father" and lacked his own independent will and values. Confucius replied: "Therefore, if you are unjust, then the son will not fight for the father, and the minister will not fight for the king. Therefore, if you are unjust, you will fight for it. How can you be filial from the father's order? " In addition to "filial piety", Confucius also used another moral criterion "righteousness" to regulate its implementation. If the superior or elder keeps saying and doing things, it can be stopped or not implemented. It can be seen that "righteousness", as a concept, transcends the ethical relationship between monarch, minister and father. Zi Dao pian recorded the same passage. Lu Aigong asked Confucius the same question. Zi Gong believes that "children obey their father's orders" is filial piety. Confucius said that Zi Gong was a "villain". Confucius pointed out that "a son follows his father" cannot be said to be "filial", nor can a minister be said to be "loyal". Confucius said: "The reason why it is called filial piety is called chastity." In a word, "filial piety" is a careful grasp of why we should obey the "father's order" The yardstick of grasping is "righteousness". "Filial piety" has thus become a character for junior or courtiers to handle the relationship with the monarch and father according to a higher value policy and value criterion and the inevitable familiarity theory. Under this interpretation, "filial piety" is not unprincipled obedience, but the implication and achievement of learning Taoism and the obedience to the highest value standard in one's heart. Filial piety is not a one-way obligation to elders and superiors.
Secondly, Confucius believes that spiritual filial piety is far more significant than material support. Confucius elaborated on this point in The Analects of Confucius. He gave different answers to the questions of different students, but the essence was the same. He thinks that there is something wrong with the ugly idea that raising is filial piety. Ziyou asked about filial piety, and Confucius said, "Those who are filial today are said to be able to support. As for dogs and horses, they can all be raised; Disrespect, why not? " When Zixia asked about filial piety, Confucius said, "Color is difficult. If something happens, students will take care of it; Did you ever feel filial when you had food and wine? " Confucius believes that even animals raised at home can be well cared for materially, so the material support for parents is not enough to be the dividing line between filial piety and unfilial. Only abstract passion can be distinguished. Therefore, color is difficult. It is not possible for every family to have a pleasant color without disgust when facing their parents. If you put on a smelly face all day, your parents will not be happy even if they eat abalone and bird's nest every day. What parents need most is spiritual relief. Seeing these two sentences, I feel a lot of sadness in my heart, and Confucius' education is of greater guiding significance to modern people. In ancient times, the traffic was inconvenient, and the border was narrow, so it was not easy to travel far. As the saying goes, "Parents are there, so don't travel far." But today, in addition to those who can't get out of the countryside, there are still many people who are willing to stick to their homes and protect their parents? For many times, we may be involuntarily busy with our work. Who cares about the infection of our parents? Do we remember Confucius' education whenever we say that we work overtime and have no time to visit them? The song "Go home and have a look" is not without reason. I am very convinced of Confucius, who has insight into people's minds and pointed out the address of the crux. In the eyes of parents, the companionship and concern of future generations are much more important than material richness. Therefore, Meng Wubo asked about filial piety, and Confucius said, "Parents only worry about their illness." Yes, since he is a dutiful son, his position in material and words and deeds will not be criticized by his parents. Only diseases are natural disasters, which are difficult to be controlled by manpower. Neither parents nor dutiful sons can help. This disease is not caused by our own carelessness. Because "the skin of the body, supported by it, can not be damaged." Therefore, it is also the most difficult and worrying thing for a dutiful son to become a parent with natural diseases. In addition, Confucius also said: "filial piety is good for people, and people are not in the words of their parents." Parents' views on their children have always been regarded as subjective and unsightly, but people will not have doubts and poor comments on their views on filial sons. Filial piety, as one of the human relations, was recognized by the great masters in that era. If it is a recognized filial son, then his words and deeds will have an inevitable demonstration and influence on the society and become a moral model figure. At this time, even parents' families have become "filial guardians", and their words and deeds are fair-minded and can be used for reference. It can be seen that filial piety has been promoted to a height at that time.
Thirdly, filial piety can influence politics. In addition to indirectly changing from filial piety to loyalty, filial piety can also purify the social atmosphere, educate the public and calm the society. Or Confucius said, "Zi Xi is not a politician?" Confucius said: As the book says, "Filial piety is just filial piety, friendship with brothers, and administration. Is it also a government, and it is a government? " Confucius believes that offering to the elders and caring for brothers in a family can maintain the normal order of a family, which is conducive to social peace and tranquility, and of course is a style of governing. Confucius also explained that: if you are close to Zhuang, you will be respectful; Filial piety is loyalty; Teach if you can't do good, then advise. In his view, advocating filial piety is actually a general plan to govern the country by influencing politics with virtue, influencing society and people, and maintaining social order. Therefore, Confucius and Confucianism advocate educating ordinary people with filial piety. "Teaching people to love their close relatives is better than filial piety; Teach the people to be polite and smooth, and they are not longer than you. " ("filial piety? The chapter of Guangdao Road teaches people filial piety, so they respect the fathers of the whole country. Teach to teach, so respect the whole country as a brother; Teach me to be a minister, so I respect those who are kings throughout the country. " ("filial piety? In this way, the society will remain unchanged, forming a place where "the people use goodwill and have no grievances up and down". The Book of Filial Piety can be described as a Confucian classic. Although there are not many thoughts directly received from Confucius, the analysis of filial piety in the Book of Filial Piety can be said to have served as a tradition of Confucius and originated from it. Especially about the relationship between filial piety and politics, it served Confucius well. The pre-Qin Confucian filial piety has political and educational functions, which makes the pre-Qin Confucian filial piety thought play an extremely important role in the social stage of China. Since the Han Dynasty, the name of "ruling the whole country with filial piety" has run through the feudal history of China for more than two thousand years. In my opinion, the political connection of the Western Han Dynasty, which ousted a hundred schools of thought, respected Confucianism alone and raised filial piety, should be the strong evidence of the great influence of Confucian filial piety theory. People who hold filial piety are directly officials. It seems that filial piety is really inseparable from politics. In the Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties, many dramas and novels created by literati emerged the ideological tendency of educating the public with filial piety. For example, The Story of Pipa, Ren Xiaozi's Death to God, and so on.
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Finally, it is mentioned in The Analects that filial piety is not only childbirth, but also death burial.