1. Reasonable theory cannot replace creative practice.
2. War is a violent action, and violent action is a means rather than an end. It uses violence as a means; it aims at forcing the enemy to surrender to us.
3. In war, the most dangerous mistake of all is to allow the spirit of compassion to interfere with the progress of the war.
4. The tendency to destroy the other party is actually the basis of the concept of war and does not change in any way due to the progress of civilization.
5. War is politics, and war is the continuation of politics (national policy) by other means.
6. The political purpose of war determines the type of war that should be fought, the form of war that should be adopted, and the intensity of war that should be achieved.
7. Politics is the leader, war is just a tool.
8. Politics should always maintain priority, and war as a means must adapt to politics.
9. Only by treating war as a policy tool can we overcome the "inherent contradictions", because in this way it will not follow pure military laws, but give it direction (guidance) policy laws (politics).
10. If policy is strong, so will war, and this may bring war to its absolute form.
11. The stronger the motivation for war, the more likely it is to actually conform to the abstract concept of absolute infinite violence.