1. Meng Yizi asked about filial piety, and the Confucius said: "No violation"
Fan Chiyu, the Confucius told him: "Meng Sun asked about filial piety to me, and I replied: 'Nothing is wrong' "Violation." Fan Chi said: "What is it?" Confucius said: "In life, it is done with ceremony; in death, it is buried with ceremony."
2. Meng Wubo asked about filial piety. Confucius said: "Parents only worry about their illness."
3. Confucius asked about filial piety. Confucius said: "Today, filial piety means being able to raise people. As for dogs and horses, they can be raised. How can we be different if we don't respect them?"
4. Zigong asked about filial piety. Confucius said: "It's difficult to look good. When something happens, the disciple will do his duty; if there is wine and food, the teacher will eat the food. Have you ever thought that you are filial?"