all lovers love things.
if you don't care about one thing, it will cause worries all over the world; If you don't understand it, you will suffer for a hundred years.
when the state employs people, it should be based on morality and talent is the last.
Confucius said: filial piety is the classic of heaven, the meaning of the earth, and the trip of the people.
When Kangxi conquered Taiwan Province, the ministers suggested abandoning Taiwan Province, or renting it to Holland. Shi Lang pushed ahead, and Taiwan Province was the gateway to seven provinces. Kangxi: Taiwan Province decided to set the river and the sea, and the river and the sea decided to set the southeast, and the southeast decided the world.
The shadow of the pine trees in the green hills has been shining for thousands of years, the clouds lock the peak and the water flows naturally, the jade belt floats in the long river of Wan Li, a bright moon rolls golden balls, and it looks 3, miles to the north of Saibei from a distance, and it is short-sighted to 16 continents in the south of the Yangtze River. You can enjoy the beautiful scenery all over the place. lucky chance will come again if you have time.
it is good to read without being stupid by books.
Japan is the most capricious country. Its people are very humble, and they don't know that there is kindness in the world. They are only afraid of Wuwei ... Therefore, they can't have any good feelings for it.
people who have a guilty conscience learn, while those who have a strong conscience learn.
graceful flowers with long blue leaves, it is difficult to hide the fragrance in the valley when the wind comes, so you should not admire them just because you are sewing them, even if no one is there.