●War is an act of violence that forces the enemy to obey our will (Clausewitz)
●War starts when you want it, but does not end when you like it ( Machiavelli)
●War seems to mean blood and iron (Quintilian)
●A country can only be in a state of peace during times of war (Hugh Kingsmill )
●War is just only for those who need it (Burke)
●Peace without justice is tyranny (Britain)
< p>●Gold and wealth are the main causes of war (Tacitus)●The important thing in war is to achieve political results, not military success----(Montsen)< /p>
●All mothers hate war (Horace)
●When war comes, truth is the first victim (Hay Johnson)
●War The purpose must be peace (Aristotle)
●If you want peace, you must prepare for war (Vegtius)
●There is only one excuse for war , that is, through war we can live in a peaceful environment without destruction (Cicero)
●Winning the war is just a good start for peace (Roy Browning)
●Only the victor can exchange war for peace (Sallust)
●Peace breeds war, and war breeds peace (Puttanham)
●There has never been a good war or a bad peace (Franklin)
●War creates thieves, peace hangs them (Britain)
●To have peace, You must prepare for war (Europe)
●Do not serve war and destruction, but serve peace and understanding (Heisei