These parallel universes, which open the brain, are mysterious and regrettable. Professional scientists use mathematical languages such as quantum mechanics and string theory to express the views of parallel universes, which is difficult for many of us to understand? Foreign languages? .
First, the background and reasons for the parallel universe.
In 1950s, when some physicists observed quantum, they found that each quantum state was different. Since all matter in space is made up of quanta, these scientists speculate that the universe is probably made up of multiple or infinite similar universes, because each quantum has a different state.
Therefore, according to different theories, many scholars put forward a variety of explanations about parallel universes. For example, Andrei, one of the founders of inflation theory and a Russian-American scientist at Stanford University? Professor andrei linde is one of them.
According to the widely accepted inflation theory? Slow roll and inflation? The model, Linde found it? Bubble collision? The explanation of the problem is that the initial expansion of vacuum energy can lead to the birth of the universe. That is to say, the energy in vacuum energy becomes hundreds of millions of small energy bubbles, just like many bubbles produced when the soda bottle cap is unscrewed. One of the small energy bubbles exploded into the universe we live in today. After mathematical deduction, he also found that many parallel universes similar to ours can also be deduced from the inflation theory. All energy bubbles create multiple universes, that is, there are infinitely many parallel universes in mathematics.
Second, how to understand the parallel universe
Now, the Hubble volume that can be seen around us through scientific means is very similar on a very large scale. The density of galaxies is almost the same in the space of billions of light years. But we can't see the whole universe, because the propagation speed of light is limited, and the scope of Hubble volume is limited. Outside the observable field of vision, the universe may be infinitely stretched, but it is not necessarily unified.
In fact, local physical laws and natural constants may be gradually different. Imagine a universe full of bubbles? In each bubble, the conditions and parameters are unified; But the bubble itself is completely different. It is not difficult for us to think that, just like a bubble on the sea, we just live in one of the hospitable bubbles. Things like dark matter and dark energy are abnormal to us, perhaps because what we see is only an unrepresentative part of the whole, and the universe as a whole is very natural and harmonious.
In other similar but different cosmic bubbles parallel to our cosmic bubble, there will also be universes born under the same conditions as our universe, and there may also be the same planets as the earth where human beings live, and there may also be people exactly like human beings. At the same time, in these different universes, the development of things may have different results: species that have been extinct in our universe may evolve and live endlessly in another universe.
3. Where is the basis of parallel universes?
Since the parallel universe hypothesis was put forward, although many scientists and philosophers have questioned it, there are still some physicists and mathematicians who are committed to finding evidence of parallel universes in theory.
Scientists have found that the strange behavior of quantum particles may imply the existence of parallel universes. After analyzing the temperature difference of the latest cosmic microwave background radiation, what do they think the tiny inhomogeneity of these radiation shows? Cold? This may be the first evidence of the existence of parallel universes.
It is far from finding real evidence. Because on the one hand, theoretically, the energy bubble of vacuum energy not only expands our universe, but also expands many other universes, which we can never see or detect.
On the other hand, there may be some unknown factors, and the remaining energy bubbles disappear. Every bubble of theirs may explode into a universe, and finally only our universe survives. Because we can't find a suitable way to add the above unknown factors to the mathematical equation that describes and explains inflation, it seems that physics needs a new breakthrough.
From this point of view, the parallel universe problem can only be a philosophical problem, because we can't observe other universes and lack practical test and empirical support. Therefore, it is impossible to judge whether they are true or not by natural science research methods.
The power of science lies in that nothing that has not been verified by experiments can be considered as real. The theoretically hypothesized parallel universe may just be a world where philosophers roam freely.