Original text:
Confucius said, "A gentleman is proud and does not fight, but a group is not a party.
Confucius said, "A gentleman is solemn, and he does not conspire with others, while a villain conspires with others and does not fit in." . "Gentlemen don't belong to the Party and villains don't belong to the Party" means that gentlemen talk about books, movies and state affairs together, but they never get together to form a small interest group, which gives trouble to leaders and superiors.
Extended data:
A gentleman's character, the first thing that comes to mind when encountering difficulties is to solve them by himself, and he will not turn to others for help unless he has to. People who have no gentleman's conduct are always used to asking for help from others instead of solving it themselves.
If the world can pay attention to its own moral cultivation, diligently correct its own shortcomings, and manage itself well, it will not blindly blame, demand others and manage others, but will understand and forgive others, thus reducing a lot of confusion and resentment.
There are contradictions and troubles. Why should we find the reasons and correct them ourselves? In fact, think calmly: if you really want to sublimate words, seize the moment when unhappiness occurs and understand causality from the ever-changing world, isn't it an excellent and rare opportunity? Even if it is not our fault, it is a responsible attitude to form the habit of "looking for your own reasons first".
Baidu Encyclopedia-The Analects of Confucius _ Wei Linggong