Loyalty seals an inch of heart, integrity fills two rooms. -Cai Hesen beheading doesn't matter, as long as the doctrine is true. -summer
Struggle is the only way to escape death, but an iron heart cannot be locked. -Wang Ruofei
Life should be like a candle, burning from the top to the end, always bright. -Xiao Chunv
Being poor and simple is exactly where we revolutionaries can overcome many difficulties. -Fang Zhimin
Don't treat rustling temples-Zhu Xuemian
May my dear youth be born in youth and die in youth. -Li Dazhao
There is only one life and one death, so live meaningfully and die worthily. -Deng Zhongxia
Kill me, there will be others. -summer
It doesn't matter if you behead, as long as the doctrine is true. -summer
I don't want to be sealed, I hope Hai Boping. -Qi Jiguang
The soldier's grave is brighter than the slave's paradise. Chen Hui
Loyalty seals an inch of heart, integrity fills two rooms. -Cai Hejian
A hot heart will melt the ice and snow. -A copy of the martyrs' poems.
Revolution always has sacrifices. We are survivors, as long as we have breath, we must work for the party! -Zhou Enlai