Purple Tongzhi Sword contains the value of Wang Dun's rebellion. Because Wang Dao is the brother of the Wang Dun school, he kneels down outside the palace to repent for fear of being implicated. When Zhou Boren entered the palace, Wang Dao pleaded: "Boren, I will entrust you with my hundred surnames." Zhou Boren ignored this reason and told Ming Di that Wang Dao was very loyal and applied for help, and the emperor accepted his words. Zhou Boren went out of the palace and left Boren. However, he said with a full face of alcohol: "Killing all thieves and slaves tonight is like winning a golden seal." Wang Dao hated Boren for not saving him. Later, Wang Dun entered health and asked Wang Dao Zhou Boren whether to give him a big official or kill him. Wang Dao was silent. So Wang Dun killed Zhou Boren. Later, Wang Dao saw this story in a Chinese book and saw Zhou Boren's memorial saved him. His words are both touching and considerate.