Don't be happy if you have a son, and don't sigh if you don't have a son. [Tang] Han Yu people see that boys and girls are good, but I don't know that men and women make people old. [Tang] Wang Jian
All parents in the world; The rarest man in the world, brother.
Being a parent is the best in the world; Being a child is a great filial piety in the world.
my father gave birth to me, and my mother bowed to me, caressed me, bred me, nurtured me, cared for me and answered me. The Book of Songs
If a father is unkind, his son will be unfilial; A brother who is not a friend is disrespectful; If the husband is unjust, the woman will be unhappy. [Southern and Northern Dynasties]
Yan Zhitui had no virtuous father and brother in his life, and no strict teacher and friend outside, but few people succeeded. [Song] Lv Gongzhu
What parents want, I will continue to describe it; I cherish those parents' thoughts.
In the eyes of parents, children are often a part of themselves, and children are the chance for his ideal self to come again. Fei Xiaotong has no father and no mother.
The Book of Songs is the father's virtue and the son's legacy. The word is strict and the parents are highly respected; Good education for children.
Don't be happy if you have a son, and don't sigh if you don't have a son. [Tang] Han Yu people see that boys and girls are good, but I don't know that men and women make people old. [Tang] Wang Jian
All parents in the world; The rarest man in the world, brother.
Being a parent is the best in the world; Being a child is a great filial piety in the world.
my father gave birth to me, and my mother bowed to me, caressed me, bred me, nurtured me, cared for me and answered me. The Book of Songs
If a father is unkind, his son will be unfilial; A brother who is not a friend is disrespectful; If the husband is unjust, the woman will be unhappy. [Northern and Southern Dynasties] Yan Zhitui had no virtuous fathers and brothers in his life, and no strict teachers and friends outside, but few people succeeded. [Song] Lv Gongzhu
What parents want, I will continue to describe it; I cherish those parents' thoughts.
There is a kind of love, which is silent and serious, and it is often impossible to elaborate at that time. However, it makes you feel more and more delicious in the days to come, and you will never forget it. It is the boundless fatherly love. Fatherly love is actually very simple. It is like white wine, spicy and warm, which makes people drunk easily; It is like coffee, bitter and mellow, which is easy to cheer people up; It is like tea, plain and kind, which makes people addicted unconsciously; It is like a fire, which gives people warmth but is daunting and easy to excite themselves. Father's love is a ray of sunshine in spring, shining warmly on me; It is a cool breeze in summer, which blows away the annoyance in my heart;
Article 1: Famous sayings and sentences about reading.
0 1. You can skip meals one day, sleep one day and read one day. Mao Zedong