Being rich and noble without justice is like a floating cloud to me. It is not enough for a scholar to aspire to the Tao, but to be ashamed of those who wear bad clothes and eat badly. If you don't learn etiquette, you can't stand up. When three of us travel together, we must be our teacher. Choose the good ones and follow them, and change the bad ones. Knowing is knowing, not knowing is not knowing, that is knowing. He is sensitive and eager to learn, and he is not ashamed to ask questions. The descendants will not seek Xia, the barbarians will not invade China, the captives will not join the alliance, and the troops will not be forced. Be careful in the end, chase far away, and the people's morality will be strong. If you learn without thinking, you will be in vain; if you think without learning, you will be in danger. A small impatience will mess up a big plan. The three armies can seize the commander, but an ordinary man cannot seize the will. They have different ways and do not seek each other. Don't do to others what you don't want others to do to you. Xianzai, come back! A basket of food and a ladle of drink, in a back alley, people can't bear to worry about it. Even if I return, I will not change my joy. Xianzai, come back! Wealth and honor are what people want; if they don't follow the right path, they won't get it. Poverty and lowliness are what people hate; if you don't follow the right path, you won't get rid of them. A man with lofty ideals and benevolence will not harm his benevolence by seeking life, but will sacrifice his life to achieve benevolence. Gentlemen are harmonious but different; villains are harmonious but not harmonious. [1] Confucius said: "Knowing one's words makes one look more benevolent." Confucius said: "A gentleman has nothing to eat and nothing to live in, and he has no desire to live in peace. If he is sensitive to things and careful in his words, he will be righteous and correct. He can be said to be eager to learn." Confucius said: "If you don't worry about others, you don't know yourself. When you worry, you don't know others." Confucius said: "There are three hundred poems in "Poetry", which can be summed up in one sentence, saying: 'Thinking is innocent.'" Confucius said: "I have ten. At five, one is committed to learning; at thirty, he is established; at forty, he is not confused; at fifty, he understands the destiny; at sixty, his ears are attuned; at seventy, he follows his heart's desires and does not exceed the rules." The Master said: "You can become a teacher by reviewing the past and learning the new. Confucius said: "A gentleman does not compare with others, but a villain does not compare with others." Confucius said: "Guan Ju" means that people are happy but not obscene, sad but not sad. , Don't blame the past." The Master said: "If you hear the Tao in the morning, you will die in the evening." The Master said: "A gentleman is concerned with righteousness, and a villain is concerned with benefit." Confucius said: "When you see the virtuous, you should reflect on yourself. Confucius said: "Rotten wood cannot be carved, and a wall of dung soil cannot be leveled. How can I be punished?" Ji Wenzi thought carefully before acting. Confucius heard this and said: "Again, this is impossible." Confucius said: "Ning Wuzi, if a state has the Way, it will be wise, but if a state does not have the Way, it will be foolish. Its wisdom can be reached, but its stupidity cannot be reached." Confucius said: "Quality wins. Literary quality is the key to history. Literary quality is worse than being a gentleman. Confucius said: "Those who know well are not as good as those who are good at it." Translation: Confucius said: "It is better to know how to learn than to like to learn, and to like learning is not as good as others." Take learning as joy." Confucius said: "The wise enjoy water, the benevolent enjoy mountains; the wise are active, the benevolent are quiet; the wise are happy, and the benevolent are long-lived." Translation: Confucius said: "The wise like water, the benevolent like mountains; the wise. A kind person likes to be active, a kind person likes to be quiet; a wise person is happy, and a kind person lives a long life. "Ye Gong asked Confucius about Zi Lu, and Zi Lu was wrong. Confucius said: "Don't you say, "You are a man who forgets to eat when you are angry, and forgets your worries when you are happy, and you don't know that old age is coming?" Confucius taught four things: literature, conduct, loyalty, and trustworthiness. Confucius said: "A gentleman is magnanimous and magnanimous, and a villain has a long-term relationship." Translation Confucius said: "A gentleman is broad-minded and tolerant of others, while a villain is preoccupied and narrow-minded." Confucius said: "If you are not in your position, you will not seek government. Confucius said: "The future generations are to be feared. How could we know that those who come are not here?" Confucius said: "Three armies can seize commanders, but ordinary men cannot seize ambitions." Confucius said: "The wise do not be confused, the benevolent do not worry, and the brave do not fear." Confucius said: "The years are cold, and then you know that the pines and cypresses will wither." Confucius said: "The beauty of a gentleman is not the evil of a man. The villain is the opposite." Confucius said: "Knowing one's words makes one look fresh and benevolent." Yan Yuan asked about benevolence. Confucius said: "To restrain oneself and return to propriety is benevolence. For one day to restrain oneself and return to propriety, the world will return to benevolence. Benevolence depends on oneself, but not on others?" Yan Yuan said: "Excuse me." Confucius said: "Don't look at anything that is not propriety, it is not propriety. Don't listen, don't say anything that's not polite, don't do anything that's not polite. "Yan Yuan said, "Although I'm not quick to respond, please tell me what's wrong!" The deceased was like this, and he didn't give up day and night. One piece and one piece of relaxation, the way of civility and martial arts