Back in Victorian England, in a land without a life coach, samuel smiles wrote the first self-help book. Smiles told his readers that there is no quick fix. The harder you work, the happier you will be.
Step 2: Book 2: How to Win Friends and Influence Others Dale Carnegie's How to Win Friends and Influence Others.
Fast forward to 1936. The struggling actor Dale Carnegie wrote an optimistic tome, which made him famous. He wrote that if you try to look at the world from other people's eyes, remember other people's names and learn to shake hands firmly, power and happiness will increase.
Step 3: Book 3: The Power of Positive Thinking by norman vincent peale Peel.
In the1950s, Minister norman vincent peale brought God into the equation, and his message was that faith was the key to everything. His information? Pray, imagine solutions, and eliminate self-doubt.
Step 4: Book 4: I'm fine-you're fine. Hello by Thomas Harris Thomas Harris! Hello! 》
This book, written by a psychiatrist, tells us that deep down, each of us has a child, an adult and a parent. If two people use their inner adults, our interaction with others will be the best.
Step 5: Book 5: Who moved my cheese? Dr Spencer Johnson alexz johnson, who moved my cheese?
The message of this book is that change is inevitable. The sooner you let go of the old and embrace the new, the happier you will be.
Step 6: Book 6: Chicken Soup for the Soul.
This book consists of warm fables, reflecting the idea that good triumphs over evil. Truth is as lovely as a kitten sliding down a rainbow.
Step 7: Book 7: The Secret of rhonda byrne rhonda byrne.
This is the "law of attraction" manual: you can turn what you want into reality. There is a smell here: "You are the master of the universe. You are their kingdom. You are the perfection of life. "
Do you feel the theme? Most of these books are essentially telling you to think positively and imagine what you want. Maybe one of them will inspire you, that would be great. If not, know that quick solutions usually don't last. Good luck.