2. If you don't teach the people to fight, you mean abandoning them. -Confucius
3. Why kill a son for politics? Children want to be good and the people are good. Gentleman's virtue wind, villain's virtue grass, grass wind, will be suppressed. -Confucius
4. Ethnic origin does not seek summer, barbarians do not mess with China, prisoners do not join the alliance, and soldiers do not force good. -Confucius
5, the Tao is governed by politics, and it is punished by punishment, and the people are shameless; The Tao is virtuous, the Qi is courteous, and there is shame and dignity. -Confucius
6, the people are enough, which is the monarch and the shortage? The people are not enough, who is better than you? -Confucius
7. A gentleman's trip is also based on courtesy. Shi, take its thickness; Things, for example; Convergence, from its thinness. -Confucius
8. A gentleman benefits at no cost, works without complaining, desires without greed, is Thai without arrogance, and threatens without fierceness. ..... For the benefit of the people, why not benefit at no cost? If you choose to work hard, who will complain? If you want benevolence and get benevolence, how can you be greedy? A gentleman is neither small nor big, nor dare to slow down. Is it too good for him to be arrogant? A gentleman is dressed in his clothes, respects his foresight, and seems to be afraid of it. Is it not too powerful but not too fierce? -Confucius
9. Knowing it, benevolence can't keep it. Although it is gained, it will be lost. Knowing it, benevolence can keep it, and if it is not done, the people will be disrespectful. Knowing it, benevolence can keep it, and Zhuang can present it, but it is not polite to move it, and it is not good. -Confucius