The beauty of weak virtue is to stick to oneself
Weak virtue is not weak. The weak can only accept the situation, be driven by others, and be crushed by others. The weak virtue proposed by Mr. Ye Jiaying is a kind of perseverance. In the face of strong pressure, you can still face your heart and stick to yourself. Although you bear the pressure, you can still accomplish something. Strength, a virtue.
The beauty of weak virtue lies in not fighting for it. Lao Tzu proposed: "The way of heaven is to benefit without harm; the way of the saint is to do without fighting"; Mr. Yang Jiang translated the British poet "Life and Death" "I will not fight with anyone, and I will disdain to fight with anyone." However, the creation of life is inseparable from hard work, and in this complicated society, not fighting or fighting may be equated with "failure", so many people break through the moral bottom line when fighting and fight for blood. , fought aggressively, and lost themselves in the fight. Weak virtue does not advocate attack, but perseverance. When under pressure, hold on to your heart and silently digest everything you endure in your heart without showing it.