Any method of using troops will be ordered by the monarch, and the troops will get together to make peace and give up. It is not difficult for the army to fight. Those who struggle in military struggle should take pedantry as a straight line and suffering as their interests. Therefore, if you take a detour, you will be tempted to benefit, and future generations will have orders, and ancestors will have it. This is also the case. The army struggles for profit, and the army struggles for danger. It is better to raise the army for profit, and appointing the army for profit is a great kindness. Therefore, following the trend is a rush, everywhere day and night. Walking all the way, striving for a hundred miles, catching three generals, the strong is the first, and the tired is the eleventh. If you strive for profit in fifty miles, you will be a general, and the law will be half done; Three miles is good, then two thirds is good. Therefore, the army will die without baggage, food and commission. Therefore, those who don't know the plan of governors can't make friends; People who don't know the shape, obstacles and depressions of mountains can't March; You can't find a suitable place without a country guide. Therefore, soldiers stand by and practise fraud, acting for profit and changing according to points. Therefore, its disease is like the wind, it is like fire, it does not move like a mountain, but it is difficult to know that it is like yin and moving like. Pay attention to the masses in rural areas, distribute land benefits, and move with power. The prophet's circuitous plan wins, and this method of military struggle is also.
"Military and Political Affairs" said: "Words don't match each other, so it is a golden drum; I don't see each other, so I flag it. " Those rich gold and drums with flags are the eyes and ears of the people. Since the people are single-minded, the brave cannot advance alone, and the fearful cannot retreat alone. This has been done by many people. So there are many golden drums at night and many flags during the day, which is refreshing. The three armies can seize the air, and the general can seize the heart. So the vitality is fierce, lazy during the day and returning at dusk. Those who are good at using soldiers, avoiding their spirits and hitting them on the ground, are also treating qi. Treat the chaos by treating it, and wait for it to be treated. This is also the way to treat the heart. It is also a rule to be as kind as possible to the near, to be attentive to the tired and to be satisfied with the hungry. If you don't recruit the right flag and attack Chen Zhikai, this change will also be cured. Therefore, the method of using troops, Gaoling, does not oppose the hills, does not pretend to the north, does not attack sharp soldiers, does not eat bait soldiers, not only belongs to the division, does not force the enemy, this method of using troops is also.