Zheng Kai Yuan ruled Hongzhenguan, and the sword pavilion was bright and beautiful. The Taiyin is condensed to the point of transformation, and the true glory is Yunxuanyi. The terrace of Dema'e is wide and the benevolence is as high as a draped veil. Then the sky begins to rise, and the dreamy sun rises. Its poison: it is cruel to people, and the world thinks it is injustice. Empress Wu's plan to seize his direct descendants was to strangle the infant's throat and smear the bones with crushed pepper. This was extremely unethical, and it was also the constant state of a traitor who was jealous of his wife. However, it is still a general extension of the discussion, and the etiquette of the time is correct. Although he was a hen at the beginning of the morning, he was able to regain his son Mingpi in the end, defend the crimes of Yuan Zhongzhi with flying words, comfort the hearts of benevolent people with good words, respect the constitution of the time and suppress the lucky ministers, listen to the loyal words and punish the cruel officials.