The most important thing in life is to have a big goal and use talent and perseverance to accomplish it. —— Goethe
The most important thing in life is to determine a great goal and be determined to achieve it. ——Goethe
The divine cheerful spirit that creates all extraordinary things is always associated with youth and creativity. —— Goethe
Only strong people have divine will, and those who fight can win. —— Goethe
A person with truly great talent will feel the highest degree of happiness in the process of work. —— Goethe
How can a person know himself? Not by thinking, but by doing. —— Goethe
Whoever has a brain to think will end up with nothing but feelings. —— Goethe
It is easier for us to admit mistakes, faults and shortcomings in behavior, but not for errors, faults and shortcomings in thought—— Goethe
The so-called true wisdom, They have been thought about thousands of times; but if we want to make them truly our own, we must think about them again and again until they take root in my personal experience - Goethe
A person of truly great talent feels the highest degree of happiness in the process of work. —— Goethe