Marx has a classic saying: "Capitalists are afraid of no profit or too little profit, just like nature is afraid of a vacuum. Once there is an appropriate profit, capital becomes bold. If there is a 10% profit , it is guaranteed to be used everywhere; with 20% profit, it becomes active; with 50% profit, it takes desperate risks; for 100% profit, it dares to trample all human beings The law; with a profit of 300%, it dares to commit any crime and even risk being hanged. "When this society is still inseparable from capital, to what extent is it appropriate to limit the profits of capital? If we use Marx's economics, if there is 50% "profit", people will start to take desperate risks. Or these people's calculation theory is completely different from yours, so there is no way to calculate.
Haha, use economics to gain insight into life. It’s a bit tough. If it’s a bit tough, viewers will take their time ^_^