Japanese name: Shumu Suzaku
English/Chinese name: Kururugi Suzaku / Shumu Suzaku
Voice actor: Takahiro Sakurai/When he was young: Akeno Watanabe
Age: 17 years old when R2 was 18 years old one year later
Ethnicity: Japanese/currently an honorary British citizen
Blood type: Type 0
Birthday: July 10
Constellation: Cancer
Height: 176cm (Season 1) → 179cm (Season 1) Season 2)
Weight: 50KG
Eye color: Emerald green
Hair color: Brown
Weakness: Others treat him Gentle gestures, good friends
Likes: small animals (but often hated unrequited love)
Dislikes: despicable behavior (things, etc.)
Favorite color: red
Favorite type of woman: 心のしっかりしたwoman (a woman with a strong heart?)
Favorite season: spring
Clothing: Mostly military uniforms and student uniforms, occasionally casual clothes
Interests: Exercise, fishing
Specialty subjects: Sports
Stunt skills: Durable Strength, running
Special ability: Good at controlling the Knightmare Frame. Received Lelouch's geass command to "live"
Alias: White Knight, White Death
Occupation: Soldier
Position: Knight of Seven Knightmare Frame: Lancelot
As Lelouch, the 99th Emperor of Holy Britain Knight of Zero
Now put on the mask and become Zero
Suzaku Quotes
Season 1: I want to transform this country from the inside and turn it into for valuable.
The results obtained by using the wrong method are meaningless.
Season 2: I joined the army for this.
I lost my best friend and the woman I valued most, and I don’t want to lose anyone else.
I am a sinner.