What binds people is the three cardinal principles and the five permanents, that is, the father is the son. A husband is a wife, and a gentleman is a minister.
Being a minister means that as a man, he must have certain ability to stand on the society and serve the country. He should respect the king in court, obey the king's orders, put his heart on the king, pay some strength for the country, be polite to the king, and not peep at the authority.
And when I was a child, my father restrained men. As other people's fathers, they have the obligation to educate their children, not only to bring them up, but also to give them a good education, so that their quality can be continuously improved and they can make a difference and make contributions to the country when they grow up.
A husband is a wife, which means that as a man, he should have the obligation to protect his wife, live in harmony with her and support each other. He should not violate those general ethics and create a harmonious family with his wife.
The above is the most basic requirement of being a man in ancient times, which also shows that the ancient feudal dynasty was hierarchical and various systems were constantly restraining people. This practice can maintain social order and consolidate national unity to a certain extent, but it also fetters people's thinking to a certain extent.