Like cutting, it is like learning, and it is like polishing. The extended meaning of "Confucius" is: a gentleman's self-cultivation is like working on a bone, it needs to be cut after cutting; like working on a jade, it needs to be polished after polishing. .
1 Zigong said: "How about being poor without flattery, and being rich without arrogance?" Confucius said: "Yes. It is not like being poor and happy, but being rich and good at courtesy." Zigong said : "The poem says: 'It's like cutting, like discussing, like plowing, like grinding.' What do you mean by giving?" The Master said: "Given, only then can we talk about the poem. Tell everyone who has gone and know what is coming.
Translation Zigong said: "How about being poor but not flattering, and being rich but not being arrogant?" Confucius said: "This is okay. But it is not as good as being poor but being willing to teach, being rich and being He is also a person who likes etiquette." Zigong said: "The Book of Songs says, 'We should study and ponder it like bones, horns, ivory, and jade.' Is that what it means?" Confucius said: " Granted, you can understand what I haven’t said yet from what I have said, and by drawing inferences, I can talk about "Poetry" with you."