The heaven and earth have righteous energy, and are mixed and endowed with manifolds. The rivers and mountains are below, and the sun and stars are above. To others, it is said that it is vast and overwhelming. The imperial road should be Qingyi, Hanhe Tumingting. The time has come and gone, and the pictures are drawn one by one.
I am smiling towards the sky with my horizontal sword, leaving behind my liver and gallbladder. The best is like water, benefiting all things without fighting.
I have sharpened a sword for ten years, but the frost blade has never been tested. Today I am showing you to you, who has any injustice?
Don’t let go of the green hills, and keep your roots in the broken rocks. It has endured thousands of blows but is still strong, regardless of the winds from east to west, north and south.
Thousands of hammers carved out the deep mountains, and the fire burned them as if nothing happened. Don't be afraid of being shattered into pieces, you want to leave your innocence in the world.