Confucius' famous saying. From the Analects of Confucius: "Confucius said:' A gentleman does not have enough to eat and is restless. He is sensitive to things and cautious in speaking. The Analects of Confucius: "A gentleman speaks slowly but acts quickly". The same meaning. It means diligent and agile, but careful in speaking. Zhu Note: "Anyone who is sensitive to things is unwilling to do so. Those who are cautious dare not do everything they have. " ("The Analects of Confucius") explained: "It is difficult to do things, so it is sensitive; Words are easy to say, so be careful. " (Zhuzi Folklore, Volume 22) In addition, it is also recorded in Xunzi Zidao, Hanshu Yiwenzhi and Shuoyuan Zayan that Confucius Lutz is "cautious about what he says".