Alexander was talking about the coast of the East, not the coast of China. "The eastern coast is a place where legendary heroes have visited. It is also possible to regard the eastern coast as the natural border of Greece. In this way, the strength and security of my Macedonia will be permanently guaranteed." p>
In ancient Greece and ancient Macedonia, China was first called "Sipolpolian", followed by "Serris". The earliest record of China in ancient Greece is that more than 3,500 years ago, a great traveler and poet named Aristeas arrived in the Altai Mountains with a huge Stygian caravan. In the milk-scented tent, he vaguely heard that on the other side of the mountain, where the north wind was, there was a warm place, and there lived a happy, peaceful, and wise nation. They were the West Porpolians, their hometown. All the way to the coast of the sea...this West Porpolian is considered to be Chinese. According to research, this traveler, who has several magical legends in Herodotus' "History", and whose statue was "surrounded by a clump of laurel" after his death, may have been the first Westerner to hear about and legend about China. The "happy and peaceful West Porpolians" on the coast of the sea also became the earliest Western image of China. "Azure" is the representative color of China during this period. At this time, Westerners' mentality when looking at China is peace, tranquility, tranquility and yearning.
At least in the 5th century BC, the ancient Greeks had known about a light fabric called seris cloth. This light fabric brings the legendary paradise beyond the north wind into the real world of Westerners. In ancient Roman times, when the triumphant Pompeii returned from the East wearing a bright and luxurious silk robe, the whole city was excited. From then on, Westerners began to be crazy about silk. Of course, due to geographical barriers and inconvenient transportation, they did not know what silk was. Being familiar with wool, I imagined that cerise cloth was a woolen fabric. Thus, the magical legend of the beautiful golden wool tree that abounds in China began. There "wool grew on some of the branches." "People can use this wool to spin beautiful and fine fabrics." So, when spring returns to the earth, the temperature becomes warmer, and bright mountain flowers bloom one after another, in the far east, green woolen trees cover the mountains and fields, with white down floating among them. Facing the morning sun, the mysterious Seris people "spray water on the trees to wash away the white down on the leaves, and then their wives complete the two processes of spinning and weaving." The silk of the Seris people is white and beautiful, and the quality of the Seris people is also pure and beautiful. "The Seris people are a nation full of justice. They are very famous for their unique trading methods. This method is to put the goods in a remote place. The buyer comes to pick up the goods when they are not around.” At this time, Westerners' image of China was mysterious, wealthy, lucky and just. Their eyes were full of yearning and admiration.