Rely on your own popularity to make money through advertising, ranging from tens of thousands to tens of thousands per line. Generally, the better ones can earn over tens of thousands per month.
A punster is a writer (English punster) who writes jokes. What distinguishes him from writers is that most of them exist as a side job rather than as a main business. In addition to writing jokes, there are other things. Work. But the writing style of most joke writers is not bad. Most of the forms of jokes are short stories and fictional stories.
There are many definitions of a joker. Personally, I feel that a joker is not just someone who can say a few witty words. Good jokes are all golden sentences, like original quotes from famous people. They are all summaries of insight into human nature, either magical or black humor. Looking at it this way, looking back at history, Wilde, Segrin, Lu Xun, and Lin Yutang are all good at jokes. There is a threshold for jokers.