Mencius) said: "The organ of the heart is thinking. If you think, you can get it. If you don't think, you can't get it." ("Mencius Gaozi 1") Translation Mencius said: "The function of the heart organ is Think, you can get the true meaning of things if you can think, you can't get it if you don't think." Mencius said: "When Yi teaches people to shoot, he must be determined, and scholars must also be determined; great craftsmen must teach people with rules. Scholars must also follow the rules." ("Mencius Gaozi 1") The translation of Mencius said: "There is a man named Yi who teaches people to draw their bows to full length; those who learn must strive to draw their bows to full length. When carpenters teach people, they must follow the rules, and those who learn must also follow the rules.