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Emmm is a little long. Look at the beginning if you don't understand. There are many more on Wikipedia. This is Genesis.

When God began to create heaven and earth, the earth was a chaotic, barren and dark abyss, and God's breath hovered over the water. God said, "Let there be light." So there was light "; The "sky" separates "the water under the sky from the water above the sky"; "Land, sea, plants and trees bearing seeds and fruits; The sun, moon and stars in the sky; Marine life, fish and birds that breathe air; On the sixth day, "the beasts of the earth are of their own kind." "then god said, let's make man in our image ... he created him in the image of god; He created male and female. "On the seventh day (the observation of the Sabbath has not yet been established), God stopped completing the work of heaven and earth:" So God blessed the seventh day and made it holy, because on this day, God stopped all the work he created. "

God created Adam "from the dust of the earth" ... and man became a living creature. "God placed man in the Garden of Eden to eat all the fruits in the garden, except the fruit from the tree of distinguishing good from evil." Because on the day you eat, you will die. " God created "the animals in the field and the birds in the air ... what did the man call each creature? That's its name ... but the man didn't find a suitable helper." God put the man to sleep and made a woman out of one of his ribs. When the man woke up, he named his partner woman, "because she was taken out of the man." "Both the man and his wife are naked and have no shame."

The snake told the woman that if she ate the fruit of the tree, she would not die: "When you eat it, your eyes will be opened, and you will know good and evil like God." So the woman ate it and gave it to the same man. And their eyes were opened, and they knew that they were naked. They sewed aprons for themselves from the leaves of fig trees. God cursed the snake: you should walk with your stomach and eat dust all your life; He punishes women with the pain of childbirth and obedience to men: your desire will belong to your husband, and he will rule you; He punished the man with his whole life's hard work: "You will eat bread sweating until you return to the ground." The man named his wife Eve "because she is the mother of all things". "Look," God said, "that man has become like us, knowing good and evil," and expelled the couple from the Garden of Eden, "lest he reach out and pick the fruit of the tree of life and eat it and live forever." The gate of Eden was sealed by a little angel and a burning sword, "to guard the road to the tree of life."

Adam and Eve had two sons, Cain and Abel. Cain is a farmer and Abel is a shepherd. Everyone offered a gift to God, but God refused Cain's gift. Cain murdered Abel, and then God cursed Cain: "When you plow the land, it will no longer yield to you;" You will be a fugitive and a wanderer on earth. " Cain was afraid that anyone who met him would kill him, but God made a mark on Cain to protect him and promised that "if someone killed Cain, he would be revenged sevenfold." Cain settled in the land of Nod, "far from the existence of God." The sons of Cain: Enoch, Elah, Mehuaiel, Mattushah and Lamech. Seth was born to replace Abel.

Adam's generation has been described, including Enoch who walked with God ... gone, because God took him, Methuselah and Noah. The ancient patriarchs are famous for their extremely long life. methuselah lived 969 years. The list ends with the birth of Noah's sons, who are descendants of all mankind.

God set the life span of people as 120 years old.

At that time, nephilim was on the ground; Later, God's sons became close to human daughters and gave them children. These are ancient warriors and famous people. Angered by the evil of human beings, God chose Noah, "an upright man, blameless in his time", and ordered him to build an ark and bring his family and representatives of animals on board. God destroyed the world with a flood, and then made a contract with Noah and his descendants, the whole mankind, promising never to destroy mankind in this way again. God created a rainbow and put it in the sky as a sign of his promise. Noah planted a vineyard, drank wine and fell asleep drunk. Ham "exposed his father's nakedness", and Noah put a curse on Ham's son Canaan, saying that he and all his descendants would be slaves of Ham's brothers Shem and Japheth from now on.

The descendants of Noah were named the seventies. "After the flood, these peoples were scattered on the ground from them." People decided to build a "tower" in the land of God, "lest we be scattered all over the earth." God is afraid of human ambition: "this is just the beginning of what they will do;" Nothing is impossible for them now. Come on, let's go down and disrupt their language there so that they can't understand each other. Humans are scattered on the earth in this way, and this city is called Babel, because there, God confuses the language of the whole earth. The generation of Shem brought the genealogy of the Bible to the generation of Abraham.