Pogrebniak → Bogran Yeke
Ka Kao → Kakau
Berry → Borg (in Swedish, Swedish star mellberg should be transliterated as mellberg).
Bad Stuber → Bad Stuber
Royce → Ruth
Dortmund-Dortmund (teacher Yu Dachuan of CCTV, who specially explained the Bundesliga in the early 1990s, pronounced it like this)
Grand Klose-Gro Croute
Aimar → Little Flying Donkey
Gemini → Gemini
Denver Nuggets → Denver Nuggets
Kirilenko → Aka 47 (originally AK was pronounced Aka in Russian)
Indiana Pacers → Indiana Cattle and Horses should walk their horses in Indiana.
Los Angeles Clippers → Los Angeles Speedboat (Taiwan province translation is no problem)
Caron butler → Caron Butrell
Mcgrady → Mike grady
Chris paul → chris paul
Rajan Rondo → Rajan Langdon
Carlos boozer → carlos boozer
Lavin → Lavin