Zengzi said: "A scholar cannot be without great perseverance. The responsibilities are heavy and the road is far away. Isn't it important to be benevolent as one's own responsibilities? Isn't it also a long way to go after death?" ("Taibo")
Zengzi said: p>
"Benevolence is one's duty"
"Benevolence" is the core of Confucius' theory. The purpose of Zengzi's words was to encourage his disciples to strive for the realization of the ideal of "benevolence" throughout their lives. Translation: Zengzi said: “A scholar cannot help but be broad-minded and firm-willed, because he shoulders a great mission and the journey is far away.
Isn’t it also important to regard the realization of the ideal of ‘benevolence’ as one’s mission? Isn’t it also very far away until death?”