1, Houyi, are Chang 'e all Yao? There was one in the sky? The sun appears in the sky at the same time, and the people don't talk? . So the Emperor of Heaven ordered Hou Yi, who was good at archery, to go down? Between, assist yao in addition to? The suffering of the people. Hou Yi has a beautiful wife? Chang 'e? Get up and arrive? Between.
After Hou Yi shot the nine extra suns, he was envied by other gods. They finally alienated Hou Yi and condemned him forever. Between. The wronged Houyi couple? Chang 'e had to live in seclusion? Suddenly, why did you hunt by Houyi? .
2. What was the universe like in the past? Answer? Eggs? Like chaos? Group. At this time? Is it? Wei Wei? The hero, his name is Pangu. He picked up the giant? Axe, when you swing it, you have to chop it everywhere. In this way, there is heaven and earth.
Whenever Pangu's? When you are a foot long, the sky will increase. The ground is getting thicker, too Ruler; Whenever Pangu's? As the body grows taller, the sky grows taller. The ground is getting thicker, too Zhang. Pangu? Before the epoch-making Wei was built? Merits, after death, will always be left to future generations with endless treasures and become heroes worshipped by the Chinese nation.
3、? When the flood was terrible, the gun thief seized the land of God to stop the flood without the emperor's order, and the emperor sent Vulcan Zhu Rong to kill the gun near Yushan. Yu was born in Gun's belly, and the Heaven Emperor ordered Yu to fill it out? Soil leveling to control flood, Yu from south to north? From the land of the sun? Run to the place where the sun sets. Direct leadership? Children engaged in the hard work of water conservancy, after? After three years, I finally want it? Good governance has fulfilled the gun's last wish. Finally set Kyushu.
Folk stories suitable for primary school students:
1, "Pangu Begins the Creation" tells the story of Pangu's creation and incarnation into everything, praising Pangu's great pioneering spirit and thorough sacrifice spirit and showing the rich imagination of the ancients.
2. The article "Jingwei Reclaiming the Sea" tells the story of a girl who drowned in the East China Sea and became a Jingwei bird determined to fill the sea, creating a tenacious image of Jingwei, showing the strong desire of ancient working people to explore, conquer and transform nature and the spirit of perseverance and hard struggle.
3. The article "Prometheus" praises the great spirit of Prometheus who is not afraid of violence, benefiting the people and sacrificing everything by telling the legend that Prometheus risked his life to steal fire for human beings in order to relieve the pain of human beings without fire.
4. The article "Goddess of mending the sky" tells the story that Nu Wa risked her life to mend the sky by refining stones, thus creating a brave, tenacious, intelligent, beautiful and kind image of Nu Wa, and praising the spirit of Nu Wa's fearlessness and dedication.