Zhuge Liang's personality, integrity, and demeanor can be summarized in the following four aspects:
Indifferent and clear-minded, tranquil and far-reaching. When Zhuge Liang lived in seclusion in Longzhong, he was well-read, had many friends among scholars, and was concerned about the current situation. He always compared himself to Guan Zhonglei, and had lofty ambitions to take on great responsibilities and achieve great heights. But he is by no means the kind of vulgar person who is obsessed with fame and wealth, and is obsessed with glory and officialdom. In fact, at that time, Cao Cao was the lord of the world and used the emperor to control the princes. His friends Shi Guangyuan and Meng Gongwei all joined him, but he remained unmoved. His brother Zhuge Jin was highly used in Soochow, but he did not go to join him either. Finally, Liu Bei visited the thatched cottage three times and was deeply moved by his unprecedented sincerity in seeking talents. Only then did he resolutely step out of the thatched cottage and take over the world. In the famous "Jie Zi Shu", Zhuge Liang once warned so sincerely: "A husband is a gentleman, be quiet to cultivate your character, and be frugal to cultivate your virtue. If you are not indifferent, you will not have a clear ambition, and if you are quiet, you will not go far." A true portrayal of.
Exhausted from state affairs, he loyally assists the government. Zhuge Liang successively assisted two emperors, Liu Bei and Liu Chan. He was loyal and devoted to public affairs. Liu Bei trusted him very much and entrusted him to him before his death. He generously offered to become a monk in the world. However, he had no political ambition to seize the throne and could not be supported by his servants. After getting up, Adou thought even more deeply, "taking care of the details personally, sweating all day long." Finally, he died in the line of duty and died of illness in the army at the age of fifty-four. When Zhuge Liang assisted his lord, he was actually running the country's affairs, serving as commanders and ministers. However, the lord did not feel threatened by him, and the ministers did not feel his arrogance. If he was not selfless in his heart and forgot his country, how could he do it? in this way!
Appoint people on their merits and be honest and upright. In "Chu Shi Biao", Zhuge Liang once pointedly pointed out: "Be close to virtuous ministers and stay away from villains, which is why the Han Dynasty prospered; be close to villains and stay away from virtuous ministers, which is why the Han Dynasty has declined." Still deafening and enlightening. Zhuge Liang admonished the emperor in this way, and he himself was a model of meritocracy. Jiang Wan, who was loyal and elegant, Fei Yi, who was honest and talented, and Jiang Wei, who was wise and courageous, all came to his important use and training. After his death, these people became the mainstay of Shu. Li Yan, the Tuogu minister, neglected his duties in transporting grain and reported the military situation in a panic. Zhuge Liang dismissed him as a civilian, but he still trusted Li Yan's son and encouraged him to persuade his father to mend his ways. As a result, Li Yan not only did not complain, but was grateful. Zhuge Liang passed away, and Li Yan fell ill and died due to grief. Zhuge Liang knows people well and knows how to handle them, knows how to use them, and knows how to treat each other. This is how he convinces people! In terms of integrity, he is also a model. He once wrote to his master and truthfully declared his personal property. The book says that my family is in Chengdu, with 800 mulberry trees and 15 hectares of thin fields. The family can have enough food and clothing. The clothes and food I carry with me are all provided by the government. I will never engage in business or increase my private property by an inch. After my death, if any excess is found, property, that would be a disservice to the country. Aboveboard. Heaven can teach you.
Persevere and work hard. Zhuge Liang's political ideal is to "restore the Han Dynasty and restore the old capital" to unify the world, but the reality is extremely grim: among the Three Kingdoms, the rival Wei State is the most powerful, with more land, manpower, financial and material resources than Wu and Shu. The total number of countries is even greater, and Shu is relatively the weakest. Zhuge Liang knew this very well, "It is better to attack him than to sit back and wait for death" (later he came out as a teacher), so he resolutely challenged the limit, took all positive measures, worked hard to become stronger, and "drove thousands of miles" with the spirit of taking Mount Tai and surpassing the North Sea. "Thousands of people, looking at the Central Plains with angry eyes", although the work was in vain, it was still a heroic feat. This is not only Zhuge Liang's tragedy, but also his greatness. This kind of fighting spirit of trying one's best will be remembered by future generations. A couplet from the Wuhou Temple in Chengdu says: It is known that there are three cauldrons determined by heaven, but we have exhausted all our people to plan six divisions. And Du Fu's poem "The Prime Minister of Shu" can be said to be Zhuge Liang's eternal confidant: He who dies before leaving the army will make the hero burst into tears!