Zhuge Liang was terminally ill and was called to Chengdu to pay for the funeral. Liu Bei said to Zhuge Liang, "Your talent is ten times that of Cao Pi, and you will be able to stabilize the country, eventually destroy Wei and Wu, and unify China. If the emperor succeeds to the throne
If you can help him, help him. If he can't succeed, you can be the emperor yourself. Zhuge Liang said with tears, "I will try my best to be loyal to my country until I die!" " Liu Bei called the son who succeeded to the throne and warned:
"You and the Prime Minister handle state affairs together and treat the Prime Minister like a father."
original text
In the spring of the third year of Zhangwu, the late Lord An was seriously ill and called Liang in Chengdu. Later, Liang said, "You are only ten times as talented as Cao Pi, and you will be able to secure the world and achieve great things in the end. If the heir can supplement it, supplement it; If he is incompetent, you can keep it for yourself. " Bright tears said, "I dare to use my strength to serve Loyalty Festival and then die!" " The late Lord also wrote a letter to the late Lord, saying, "You work with the Prime Minister as well as your father." In the first year of Jianxing, Wu Xiang Hou was sealed and a government was set up to manage affairs. In a short time, he led Yizhou shepherd. No matter how big or small the political affairs are, we should also look at the salt. All the counties in the south and middle have rebelled, which is a great loss for them. So they increased their troops without delay and sent envoys to hire Wu. Because of their marriage, they became friends of this country.
In the spring of three years, the brightness rate led south, and its autumn was flat. Military capital, enriching the country and strengthening the people, is a big move to run the army and talk about martial arts. In the past five years, he led the army north to Hanzhong and made a "model" report.
In the spring of Zhangwu three years, Liu Bei (the last emperor) was seriously ill in Yong 'an. Zhuge Liang was called to Chengdu and told about the funeral. Liu Bei said to Zhuge Liang, "Your talent is ten times that of Cao Pi, and you will be able to stabilize the country, eventually destroy Wei and Wu, and unify China. If the heir to the throne can help him, help him. If he can't succeed, you can replace him yourself. " Zhuge Liang said with tears: "I swear to be loyal to Shu!" Liu Bei also wrote an imperial edict, ordering his son to say, "You should handle state affairs with the Prime Minister and treat the Prime Minister like your father. "
In the first year of Jianxing, Zhuge Liang was named Hou of Wuxiang and began to govern the country. Later, Zhuge Liang was appointed as Yizhou Pastor. The details of political affairs are decided by Zhuge Liang. Several counties in the south and the middle joined forces to rebel. Zhuge Liang did not go to war easily because Liu Bei had just died. Instead, he sent messengers to Wu to pay the dowry, and married them and became friendly neighbors.
In the spring of three years, Zhuge Liang led a great army south, and in the autumn, all the rebellions were put down. Armed with sufficient equipment, the country is rich, so it began to practice martial arts in order to enter the Central Plains on a large scale in the future. In five years, he led the troops of various ministries to the north and stationed in Hanzhong. When he left, he wrote a book "Model".
The background of Orphan of Bai Di is that Jingzhou guarded by Guan Yu was captured by the State of Wu, and Guan Yu's soldiers were defeated, captured and killed. When Liu Bei heard about it, he went all out to crusade against Wu and avenge Guan Yu. Zhuge Liang was fighting Meng Huo in the south at that time, so he never joined the army. However, Liu Bei was allied by Wu Zhihuo. After the defeat, he retreated to Baidicheng and could not afford to get sick. When Zhuge Liang came, Liu Bei said to Zhuge Liang, "If you think A Dou is the material to be an emperor, you can help him. If he is not the emperor's material, you can depose him and be the emperor yourself. " Hearing this, Zhuge Liang immediately knelt down and said, I will wholeheartedly help Liu Chan, and I will never dare to be emperor myself. I will do my best until I die.
Liubei entrust an orphan to
After Guan Yu was killed by Wu Dong, Liu Bei was anxious for revenge. He didn't listen to Zhuge Liang's advice and personally led an army to attack Wu Dong. As a result, he was defeated and fell ill in Yong 'an Palace in Baidicheng. Liu Bei knew that his illness was incurable, so he sent people to Chengdu day and night to ask Zhuge Liang to entrust the funeral.
Zhuge Liang left Liu Yuxin Chen to guard Chengdu and took Liu Bei's other two sons, Liu Yong and Liu Li, to Baidi City. When he entered Yong 'an Palace, he saw that Liu Bei was ill and hurriedly fell in front of Liu Bei. Liu Bei asked Zhuge Liang to sit next to him, touched his shoulder with his hand and said, "Since I got the Prime Minister, I have developed my own career, but I really regret it today because I didn't listen to the Prime Minister." He said, "I hope your majesty will take care." Liu Beiyong looked at the generals around him, and when he saw that Ma Su was around, he called withdrawing troops temporarily. He said to Zhuge Liang, "This man exaggerates and cannot be reused. The Prime Minister should examine him carefully. " Later, Liu Bei summoned all the generals, wrote a will with a pen, and gave it to Zhuge Liang, lamenting, "It was a pity that I wanted to destroy Cao Pi with you. Everyone looks forward to the guidance of the Prime Minister. " Zhuge Liang fell to the ground and said, "I hope your majesty will rest in peace. I will try my best to help the prince." Liu Bei asked people around him to help Zhuge Liang and cover the sky with one hand? Tears, holding Zhuge Liang's hand in one hand, said, "I'm dying now, and I have something to say." Zhuge Liang asked, "What can I do for you?" Liu Bei said, "Your talent is ten times higher than that of Cao Pi, and you will surely achieve great things. If Liu Chan can help, you can help. If not, you are the master of the two rivers. " No king in history is willing to give up his throne to a stranger, even if it is. He wouldn't even do that. If Zhuge Liang really wants to seize power, Shu Han will perish in his hands. Hearing this, Zhuge Liang immediately cried and knelt down to the ground and said, "I will try my best to help the prince until I die." Then kowtow and bleed. Liu Bei asked Zhuge Liang to sit beside him, called liuyong and Liu Li, and said, "Remember, after I die, you three brothers. He told his two sons to worship Zhuge Liang. Then he said to the generals, "I have entrusted the state affairs to the Prime Minister and asked my son to treat him like a father. Don't neglect him." With that, he closed his eyes and gave up the ghost. He is 63 years old.
Lonely intentions
When Liu Bei entrusted orphans, he was very attentive. Although he only said a few words, "My son can help, but he can't help you, so he should stand on his own feet and be king." But the intention is far-reaching. At that time, Liu Bei knew that Zhuge Liang was the most respected person in the country except Liu Bei. If Liu Chan is really a fatuous and incompetent person, Zhuge Liang will replace Liu Chan and take away his world. It can be said that Liu Bei did not trust Zhuge Liang. In fact, when Liu Bei entered Sichuan, he found that Liu Bei took Pang Tong and put Zhuge Liang in his hometown, in order to limit Zhuge Liang and avoid taking too much credit for him. Zhuge Liang did not have much power in the early days of joining Liu Bei's army. After Zhuge Liang entered Shu, his position was not as good as that of Mi Zhu and others. After Liu Bei defeated Wu, he immediately thought that now that the national strength was declining, someone was bound to take advantage of it and seize the throne. Zhuge Liang is the most dangerous person, because his prestige in Shu is too high, and he is afraid that someone will encourage him to usurp the throne. Later, the facts actually proved this concern. After Liu Chan ascended the throne, Zhuge Liang became prime minister and Liu Chan was honored as his father. He handles all the affairs of state and affairs by himself, hardly asking Liu Chan. And six QiShan is zhuge liang's own idea, almost didn't discuss with Liu Chan. Therefore, it can be said that Liu Bei's worry is not unreasonable. Regardless of whether Liu Chan is fatuous or not, as far as Zhuge Liang's behavior is concerned, he did put himself above Liu Chan. Sun Quan was about nineteen when he became king, and Liu Chan was seventeen when he became king. They are about the same age. However, when Sun Ce died, it was at a time when various warlords were fighting, and Sun Ce's forces were exploring the west to seek opportunities for expansion. Its power is not consolidated, and it is obviously not as good as the Shu-Han regime, which has already established a solid foundation. Therefore, after being entrusted by Sun Ce before his death, Zhang Zhao "went up to the Han Dynasty, down to the city, and distributed at home and abroad, performing his duties." Right sorrow did not see anything, Zhao ... started from the right of self-help, Chen Bing came out of the mountain, and then everyone knew that he had returned home. "A series of actions are much more important than Zhuge Liang's role after Liu Bei entrusted orphans. As far as status is concerned, Zhang is as important as Zhuge. Moreover, Sun and Zhang are also in the first place. Later generations pushed Zhao Lie and Kong Ming alone, but ignored Wang and Zi Bu. Obviously, it was not because they had a bad memory that they forgot about it. This predatory move is intended to make Kong Mingmei unique. So, seriously speaking, there is nothing commendable about this matter. If you really want to talk about it, you should talk about Sun Ce and Zhang Zhaocai first.
In addition, when Liu Bei entrusted orphans in Bai Di, he not only found Zhuge Liang, but also found Li Yan beside him. Liu Bei can call Zhuge Liang, who is far away from Chengdu, to entrust an orphan, which shows that he has enough time to consider and deal with this problem. Therefore, entrusting an orphan to Zhuge Liang and Li Yan is not only because of Li Yan's convenience, but also because of his mature consideration and even painstaking efforts.
We know that the foundation of the Shu-Han regime is mainly composed of three major power groups: Jingchu Group, which is the leading group of Liu Bei; Dongzhou Group, the former secretariat of Yizhou, Liu Zhang; Yizhou group, mainly local people. Yizhou Group has been unable to occupy the big stage in politics since the Liu Zhang period, and has been in a foil position with little attention. From the Biography of the Three Kingdoms, we can know that apart from the royal family, there are only 19 locals in the Biography, accounting for only about one third, and none of them are senior officials, but all are idle officials such as junior officials and assistant ministers. So what needs to be considered is the problem between Jingchu and Dongzhou Group.
The loss of Jingzhou, the defeat of Guanzhang and the battle of Yiling caused great trauma to Jingchu Group. At this time, Liu Bei was ill again. Of course, he will think of the contradiction between the three and the consolidation of the Shu-Han regime after death. At the same time, we also have reason to believe that he does not fully trust Zhuge Liang and has no worries.
"As long as you are ten times as long as xelloss, you can be safe and finally achieve great things. If the heir can supplement it, supplement it; If he is incompetent, you can keep it for yourself. " Since Liu Bei made it clear that Zhuge Liang could only say with tears:' I dare to use up my strength and loyalty, and then I will die! ""such an attitude clearly shows that he only died faithfully and will not be replaced by another way. Anyway, in those days, it was impossible for him to say "yes" readily. But in this way, if Liu Chan is fatuous, and Zhuge Liang really wants to take his place in the future, he will bear the blame of a poor assistant and staple food, and face the charge of "unfaithfulness and injustice" in politics, public opinion and popular support, which will lead to the unknown teacher being at a disadvantage. Therefore, Liu Bei's words are not so much trust and trust as preemptive threats or playing hard to get in desperation.
Another important figure, Li Yan, was a leader of the Eastern Zhou Group during the Liu Zhang period. Since Liu Bei entered Chengdu, he has repeatedly put down large-scale rebellion with fewer soldiers in office, which fully shows his outstanding military and political talents. Comparatively speaking, Zhuge Liang has shown outstanding ability in politics and diplomacy before, but he has no chance to make achievements in the military. So Liu Bei wisely made such a decision: "Yan and Zhuge Liang are supported by testamentary edicts;" With strict protection as the center, internal and external military affairs are unified. "
Benedict: Seriously.
Genus: entrusted.
In favor: yes.
Hey: Conductor.