filial piety/mourning
Ceng Zi said in the fifteenth chapter of the book of filial piety: "A husband is kind and respectful, and his relatives are famous, so is his name." Is it filial to ask your son to obey his father's orders? "What are you talking about?" What is this? In the past, the son of heaven had seven ministers who fought for power and profit. Although there is no way, it has not lost its world. There are five princes vying for ministers. Although there is no way, they have not lost their country. The doctor has three contending ministers, although he has no way, he does not lose. If a reader has friends, he will never leave your name; If a father has a son, he will not fall into injustice. Therefore, when you are wronged, the son can't fight for the father, and the minister can't fight for the gentleman, so when you are wronged, fight for it. "If you obey your father's orders, how can you be filial?"
How filial:
Children should really thank their parents for their kindness, but the saying of "repaying kindness" is unfounded. Parents have the responsibility to raise their children. If not, they are not qualified to be parents at all. Repaying parents' kindness does not mean that they must be allowed to decide their own lives. Although there was a saying in ancient China that "your parents want you to die", even in ancient times, it was not filial piety, but the loss of human relations.
The real old saying in China is that a father should be kind to his son, that is, parents should be kind to their son and children should be filial. This is the responsibility of both parties. If your parents ignore your essence and force you to give up the happiness of your life, such parents will no longer have the right to be filial.