It means: Zi Gong asked Confucius, "Is there a word that can be pursued for life?" Confucius said, "It's probably forgiveness! Don't impose on others what you don't want. "
origin: during the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, the Analects of Confucius and his second disciple Wei Linggong
"Don't do to others what you don't want others to do to you": If you don't want to be treated like this, don't treat others like that yourself. Don't impose on others what you don't want to bear.
"Don't do to others what you don't want others to do to you" is a rule first established by Confucius, the founder of Confucianism. That is, when you ask others to do something, you must first be willing to do it yourself, or you can do it with others yourself, then your request will be at ease; The popular understanding is that if you can't do it yourself, you can't ask others to do it.
What this sentence reveals is the important principle of dealing with interpersonal relationships. Confucius said that people should treat others with their own behavior as a reference. People should have a broad mind, never be narrow-minded when dealing with others, but be generous and forgive others. If you don't want to do something, don't push it on others, which will not only destroy the relationship with others, but also make things very bad and out of control.
The communication between people should really adhere to this principle, which is the embodiment of respecting others and treating others equally. In this world, besides paying attention to your own existence, you should also pay attention to the existence of others. People are equal, so don't do to others what you don't want them to do to you.
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"The way of loyalty and forgiveness" can be said to be an invention of Confucius. This invention has a great influence on future generations. Confucius regards "the way of loyalty and forgiveness" as a criterion to deal with the relationship between people and themselves, which is also a feature of Confucian ethics. In this way, we can eliminate others' resentment against ourselves, ease interpersonal relationships and stabilize the social order at that time. ?
Loyalty and forgiveness refers to a moral standard of Confucianism. Loyal, no two hearts, no two meanings, forgiveness, self-denial, the meaning of the beginning and end of the Ming Dynasty. Loyalty; Forgiveness. China Confucian ethics category, the principle of dealing with the relationship between people. "Loyalty", trying to seek for others, in the heart of people, so it is loyalty; "Forgiveness", putting yourself in others' shoes, is like a person's heart, so it is forgiveness.
It was Ceng Zi in the Spring and Autumn Period of China who first linked loyalty and forgiveness. Explaining Confucius' "My way is consistent", he said: "The way of the master is only loyalty and forgiveness." "Loyalty and forgiveness" means treating people with their own attitude. The disciples of Confucius regard loyalty and forgiveness as the core content of Confucius' theory, which is the concrete application of "benevolence" Loyalty and forgiveness have become one of the basic principles of Confucianism in dealing with interpersonal relationships.
Baidu Encyclopedia-The Analects of Confucius _ Wei Linggong
Baidu Encyclopedia-Don't do to others what you don't want them to do to you.