King Hui of Liang said, "I am a country, and I devote myself to it. If Hanoi is fierce, the people will move to Hedong and the millet will move to Hanoi; Hedong is also fierce. People who observe the politics of neighboring countries have no intention like me. There are not many people in neighboring countries, and there are not many people in my country. Why? "
Mencius said to him, "The king is belligerent. Please use the metaphor of war. Replenish drums, weapons company, abandon armor. Or stop after a hundred steps, or stop after fifty steps. What if the pot is too black? "
Say, "no! If you don't go straight, you will do it. "
He said: "If Wang knows this, there is no hope that there will be more people in neighboring countries.
"If you don't go against the farming season, the valley can't take food; If you don't count, neither fish nor turtle can be eaten. Axe gold gets into the mountain in time, and mywood can't be used. Valley and fish turtles can't fight for food, and wood and wood can't fight for it, which makes people lose their lives and have no regrets. Keeping in good health and dying without regret is the beginning of kingly way.
"Five acres of house, the tree to mulberry, fifty clothes. Chickens, dolphins and dogs are all domestic animals, so there is no time to waste. Seventy people can eat meat. A hundred acres of land, if you don't hurry, a few people in a family can be hungry; I sincerely hope that the godson of the cult will be filial, and the winners will not be on the road. Seventy people eat meat, clothes and silk, and the Lebanese are neither hungry nor cold, but they are not kings and have nothing.
"Dogs don't know when they eat people's food, and they don't know when they are hungry. When people die, they say,' It's not me, it's age.' Why is it different from stabbing and killing people? It said,' Not me, but a soldier. The king is innocent, and the people in the world are heavy. "