There is such a poem in the Book of Songs: "Give me a peach, repay it with Qiong Yao and repay it with bandits. Always good. " It means that you give me a peach and I will give you a piece of Yu Pei, for nothing but you and I will be friends forever. Similarly, if I throw you a peach, I will also be rewarded with a peach. If you want others to be nice to you, you must be nice to others first.
In ancient times, it was a virtue to repay plums with peaches. In the Han Dynasty, there was a man named Lu Bu. Because he always keeps his promise and helps many people, he can basically do everything others tell him and never break his word, so he has many friends. Later he was wanted by Liu Bang. At this time, many of his friends risked their lives to help him, and Lu Bu escaped. Ji Bu was able to save the day because he usually threw a lot of peaches, and those who benefited from him would save him regardless of life and death. So if you want others to be nice to you, you must be nice to others first.
Today, in the 2 1 century, people who return the favor are still praised. Yun-peng Yue was only a waiter in a restaurant before he became famous. After Degang Guo discovered his talent, he took him back to Deyun Society, and Yun-peng Yue took Degang Guo as his teacher and Degang Guo as his teacher. Yun-peng Yue is very popular now. Compared with several other apprentices who left after becoming famous in Degang Guo, Yun-peng Yue still did not forget Degang Guo's kindness to him, and became the pillar of Deyun Society, which made the cause of Deyun Society by going up one flight of stairs. Yun-peng Yue's practice has won praise from many people. Don't forget to dig people when drinking water, and the grace of dripping water will be rewarded by a spring. Those who know how to reciprocate must be benevolent, and the career of benevolent people will generally develop well. Although several of Degang Guo's disciples betrayed his legacy, most of them knew how to repay their master's training. The reason why Deyun Society has today's momentum is inseparable from Degang Guo's continuous investment in peaches in the past ten years. The result of throwing peaches is more plums, so Degang Guo doesn't have to worry about harvesting fewer plums. Let him go where he belongs. If you want others to be good to you, you should be better to others. Think about whether others leave because you haven't done enough and haven't thrown the peaches.
Not only humans but also animals know how to repay. A hunter saved an eagle. One day, the hunter enjoyed the cool under a wall. The eagle flew by and took the hunter's hat. The hunter hurried after it. Unexpectedly, as soon as the hunter left, the wall on the back foot collapsed. As you sow, you reap what you sow. You have sown a good cause and reaped a good result. Only when the hunter reciprocates can the eagle return. Even animals know how to repay kindness, let alone real people. So if you want others to be nice to you, think about how you treat others first.
Around us, students often complain that others are not worthy of themselves. If you treat others like ice in winter, how can you ask others to treat you like warm sunshine in spring? Giving a peach in return will pay off, so when others treat you badly, think about what you haven't done well. Emperor Taizong once said: "Take people as a mirror, and you can know the gains and losses." So others are also a mirror of you, which can reflect your attitude towards others.
Please remember: if someone wants to report you as Joan, the premise is that you have to report someone as Mu Tao.