This sentence comes from Wang Chong's Insufficient Sense of Balance: "When you are sincere, the stone is open." The general idea is that people's sincerity can touch the world and crack the stone. No matter what you do sincerely, any difficulty can be overcome.
A person's life is full of temptations, which distract your attention and make your heart restless. When doing things, some people shrink back, some people are discouraged, some people are given a cold shoulder, and finally nothing is achieved.
Those who are conscientious and determined are unmoved by all kinds of temptations of fame and fortune; In the face of all kinds of blows, I am fearless, determined to fight for my goals and ideals, and finally bathed in the glory of victory.
Story skills
During the Western Han Dynasty, there was a general named Li Guang, who was good at horseback riding and archery, and was brave in combat. He fought against Xiongnu for more than 70 times, and his reputation spread far and wide, and he was called "Flying General".
One year, the Huns dispatched troops and invaded the northern border, killing and taking away a large number of people and livestock. The court sent Li Guang to Youbeiping (now Liaoning Province) as the magistrate. After Li Guang became a satrap, the Huns were so afraid of him that they dared not go south for several years.
One night, Li Guang and his men went hunting in the southern foothills and suddenly found a tiger crouching in the grass. Li Guang quickly bent his bow and arrow, concentrated and shot with all his strength, hitting the tiger right in the middle. Li Guang thinks that the tiger must have been shot by an arrow. After dawn, he took people to see it. It turned out not to be a tiger, but a big stone shaped like a tiger. You see, this arrow not only hit the stone, but also the tail of the arrow almost sank into the stone, and Badou couldn't pull it out. Li Guang was surprised and couldn't believe that he had such great strength, so he got up and stepped back, pulled out his bow and arrow, and shot at the stone hard, but he shot several arrows in a row, some of which were broken, some of which were broken, and the big stone was not injured at all.
But the story spread and people thought it was amazing. At the end of the Western Han Dynasty, someone was puzzled and asked Yang Xiong, a great scholar at that time. Yang Xiong thought for a moment and said, "If you are sincere, even something as hard as a stone will be moved." Since then, this sentence has been handed down.
knowledge base
During the Eastern Jin Dynasty, Wang Xizhi practiced calligraphy very hard when he was young, and finally reached the point of perfection. Once the emperor went to the northern suburbs to offer sacrifices, and asked Wang Xizhi to write his congratulatory message on a board, and then sent workers to carve it. When carving, the sculptor was surprised to find that Wang Xizhi's handwriting actually penetrated into the wood by more than three points, exclaiming, "The handwriting of the right army general is really penetrating!" Later, this sentence was often used as a metaphor for in-depth analysis of problems.