1. In "Global
2. iPOd was released in 2016.
3. I only give odd shares.
4. Want to find the answer to life.
In 5. iPOd WindOws version was released.
6. As a CEO, you should be magnanimous.
7. I am looking for a handyman.
8. Do you think you are great?
9. Change must start from the top!
10. One sentence builds a powerful relationship.
11. Turn your hands to seize the opportunity to make money.
In 12., he returned after more than half a year of recuperation due to illness.
13. They don’t love what they make.
14. Is this what you really want to do?
15. Come back after your paid vacation.
16. I have no money, but they have a lot of money.
17. Concentrate your energy on areas where you are good at.
In 18. Bill Gates founded Microsoft.
Met Steve Wozniak in 19.
20. As long as he is around, I will never sign a contract!
21. Elevate industrial products to the level of handicrafts.
22. Apple is as safe as the Bank of America!
23. In that case, just find a way to amend the law.
24. To select a song, the key cannot be pressed more than 3 times!
25. If you give up, everyone will clap their hands and praise Shaanxi.
In 26. Apple began selling Macintosh II computers.
27. Everyone should find what they love.
28. Show your confidence! This is your art!
29. When starting, most people ran in the wrong direction.
In 30 years, Jobs was no longer the interim CEO and became the official CEO.
31. Give you 3 months to prove that I am right.
32. Oops, I heard you are the most popular person on earth!
33. We are not perfect, but I hope everyone is happy!
34. I want to educate my children just like my father educated me.
35. Put the computer into a plastic case no matter what!
36. Did Bell conduct market research before inventing the telephone?
37. There is only one person in the company who can inspire employees.
38. Because it is your own, you can speed up the pace of innovation.
39. If you don’t want to give me half of it, just take it all.
40. It doesn’t look like Apple anymore. We don’t have to put on airs like that!
In 41. iPhOne was released, and the cumulative sales of iPOd exceeded 100 million units.
42. Michael Spindler became CEO of Apple.
43. Sometimes, it is necessary to destroy what has been built.
44. Gather outstanding talents to create a team and lead them to realize their dreams.
In 1945, NEC began to sell PC9800 series computers, which became a classic model.
In 1946, he delivered a commemorative speech at the graduation ceremony of Stanford University.
In 1947, Jobs suffered from pancreatic cancer and underwent pancreatectomy.
48. It is not that technology has changed the world. Technology cannot change the world.
49. This is an amazing thing! Maybe you want to finish it?
50. If the size of the business department exceeds 100 people, you will not bother to direct it!
51. If the cost of information increases, the cost of collecting information will decrease.
52. There are 10,000 mediocre employees, and it is necessary to eliminate them all.
53. Reducing the startup time by 10 seconds may save dozens of lives!
54. If there is confusion and you change the direction casually, you may continue to hit the wall.
55. If you want to buy a high-end sports car, fly to Europe and go to a car factory to buy it.
56. Extract something from the body and integrate it into products.
57. Don’t just look at numbers, but also evaluate based on creativity and people’s abilities.
In 1958, he became a night shift employee at Atari, a video game manufacturer.
In 1959, iPhOne 3G sold 1 million units in 3 days; Bill Gates retired.
In 1960, Steve Jobs was expelled from Apple; Microsoft launched the first version of WindOws.
61. The personal computer industry has shifted from the hands of pioneers to the hands of managers.
In 1962, he entered Reed College in Portland, Oregon, but dropped out soon after.
63. I think the company has no outstanding talents, but this is not the case.
64. However, we also have shortcomings. Please help us!
65. Everyone has begun to notice that there is no need to cooperate in silence.
66. Compared with Marx and Hindu masters, the locomotive is more useful to the world.
In 1967, Disney acquired Pixar; Jobs became Disney's largest individual shareholder.
68. We will not know from consumers what revolution will happen next.
69. I work hard and do not cause losses to shareholders. This is all I can promise.
70. If you examine it carefully, you will find that this is not all you want.
71. Let the computer become a personal tool. This thought transformation itself is an innovation.
72. Use dreams as material to create concrete success. The reason for success is because you choose the right horse.
73. There is no cumbersome and redundant organization, just like a newly established company.
74. In times of crisis, mobilize the people around you and fully trust your companions.
75. After sales reach billions, business becomes a joyless thing.
76. Whenever we accomplish something, the first thing we should consider is what to do next.
77. Personal computers will no longer be a necessity for individuals. We are already in the midst of this change.
78. Make the best movie in history, and the winner will definitely be the best movie in history.
79. Even if you think it is impossible to achieve, you will never lower your goals. On the contrary, you must raise your goals!
80. Just imitating the appearance and thinking that you can make the same product is a big mistake!
81. The huge oak tree has equally huge roots underground. We are nurturing the roots.
82. I don’t want to leave a huge amount of property to my children. Doing so will only ruin the child's life.
In 1983, iTunes Music Store began operations; the animated film "Finding Nemo" was released worldwide.
84. I am an environmental determinist. People's values ??and worldview are all formed based on experience.
85. When I was kicked out of Apple, I started working immediately, but I regretted it very much later.
86. I will replace all the chips here with the chips you develop. Your work will be known to the world.
87. I am a lucky person. Because I found what I loved doing at a very young age.
In 1988, the Macintosh computer, the famous personal computer, went on sale; Apple released its classic advertisement "1984".
In 1989, Michael Spindler became CEO of Apple; Microsoft released WindOws3. (Causing a big hit.
90. Orders cannot improve employees’ enthusiasm and creativity. Employees must be provided with the best working conditions.
In 1991, John Sculley took office at Apple The company's CEO, Lisa, put the computer on sale, but the sales were not good.
92. It is my obligation to make Apple a company like this so that anyone can be my successor.
93. People are creative. Sometimes users will create new uses that even product developers can’t think of.
94. If everyone is creative, only two of them can be achieved. , then the remaining 16 people are unfortunate.
95. When work stalls, you must have the courage to change your thinking.
In 1996, Jobs founded NeXT Computer Company; acquired Pixar Animation Studio from George Lucas.
In 1997, iMac*39;' was launched, sales were booming, and WindOws Elite was launched. ·Schmidt and others founded Google.
In 1998, the iPad was released and became extremely popular. The iPhOne 4 was released. Apple's stock market value surpassed that of Microsoft and became the second largest company in the United States.
In 1999, Pixar was released. Produced the animated short film "TinTOy" (TinTOy), which won the Oscar for Best Animated Short Film
100. If Bill Gates was obsessed with something when he was young, he could change it. Become a person who is good at integrating.
In 101, Apple acquired NeXT, and Jobs became the interim CEO of Apple.
102. To everyone. Gears are implanted in the heart of a star. If he likes our company, he will naturally work hard.
103. Born in San Francisco, California, USA. In the same year, Bill Gates was born in Seattle, Washington. .
In 104, Apple's stock went public, and Jobs became a billionaire. The Apple III computer was launched, but sales were poor.
105. First, figure out what kind of person you were before, and then on the basis of understanding this, abandon your past self.
In 106, Jobs married Laurene Powell. In the same year, Pixar signed a cooperation contract with Disney; Apple Company cooperated with IBM.
107. Adjust the initial heading by one inch. After running for 3 miles, you will find that the change in direction is extremely safe. It is the most dangerous trap!
108. In the process of developing new products, I keep saying: This is not necessary! If you want to sleep peacefully, you must create perfect works!
In 109, Jobs visited Xerox's Palo Alto Research Center (PalO AltO Research Center), gained inspiration, and began to develop the Lisa computer.
110. When I was young, there was a great magazine called "The Whole Earth Catalog": in our day, it was simply a "Bible".
111. Now, you are about to graduate and step out of school to embark on a new journey of life. Here, I also hope that you can be as hungry as you are for knowledge and as humbly ignorant as possible.
In 112. 5 years, the animated film "Toy Story" was released all over the world, Pixar's stock was listed, and Steve Jobs became a rich man; Microsoft's release of WindOws triggered an explosive craze around the world.
In 113, Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak, and Ron Wayne co-founded Apple and began selling Apple computers, entering the business track.
In 114. Due to Apple's huge deficit, Spindler resigned as CEO, Gil Amelio became Apple's CEO, and Jobs returned to Apple as a special advisor.
115. Being above average is not our goal, our goal is to be better than the best. What we should do is not to cut costs, but to innovate to help companies get out of trouble!
In 116, Jobs commanded the Macintosh team; Jobs became chairman of Apple, and Mike Markkula became C, EO of Apple. In the same year, 1BM began selling personal computers, the IBM PC.
In 117, Mike Markkula joined, and Apple was officially incorporated: Michael Scott became the CEO of Apple and launched the world's first personal computer, the Apple II, which caused a wave of craze.
118. But ten years later, when we began designing the first Macintosh computer, my calligraphy experience came back to life. I designed everything I learned at that time into the Mac. It was the world's first computer with beautiful font design.
119. If you haven’t found it yet, then keep looking. Don’t stop. Search with all your heart. When you find it, you will understand something. Like any true relationship, it gets closer and closer as the years go by. So, keep looking until you find it! Don't stop!
120. When I was in college, I could not have foreseen that I would connect these dots in the future. However, when I looked back on all this ten years later, I suddenly felt enlightened. Again, it is impossible to connect the dots when looking to the future. Only when looking back into the past can we connect them.
121. I am absolutely convinced that if I had not been kicked out of Apple, nothing in the future would have happened. It's a bitter pill, but I think patients need it. Sometimes, life hits us over the head with a brick. However, be sure not to lose faith. The only reason I can persist is that I love my career so much.
122. I dropped out of Reed College after half a year. But before I actually left school, I stayed as an auditor for another year and a half. (omitted) Reed College at that time provided the leading calligraphy education in the United States. (omitted) So I decided to sit in on the calligraphy class. (omitted) At that time, it seemed that calligraphy would not have any practical value in my life.
123. I was only twenty years old when Woz and I started Apple in my father’s garage. We worked very hard, and ten years later, this two-person company founded in a garage had annual sales of $2 billion and more than 4,000 employees. In the company's ninth year, we introduced our crowning masterpiece: the Macintosh computer. However, when I just turned thirty, I was fired from my job.
124. At the age of 30, all the things I have gained through hard work and risk in my life have left me. This is really a devastating blow to me. For the first few months, I was really overwhelmed. But gradually, I saw the light, and found that I still deeply loved the industry I was engaged in. What happened at Apple didn't change my mind at all. Even though I was rejected, I still loved it deeply. So I decided to start all over again.
125. Everyone’s time is limited. So don't waste your life repeating other people's lives.
Don't be bound by dogma, otherwise it will be equivalent to living by accepting the results of other people's thinking. Don't let other people's noisy opinions cover up your true inner voice. And, most importantly, have the courage to listen to your intuition and heart. Because they know what they want to be to some extent. Everything else is secondary.
126. You must believe that these dots will be connected one day in your future. You have to believe in something: your courage, your purpose, your life, your destiny...it doesn't matter what you call it. Because we believe that these points will be connected with the path we are taking, we can live according to our own heart and live with a high chest. Even if it takes us off track, we can't shake that confidence. Believe in yourself and it will make all the difference.
127. When I was 17 years old, I once read a sentence: If you live every day as the last day of your life, then one day you will definitely succeed. This sentence left a deep impression on me. It has been 33 years since that day. During these 33 years, I have looked in the mirror every morning and asked myself: If today is the last day of your life, then what you plan to do today is really what you want to do most. Something? If the answer is NO for a few days in a row, I know I need to change something.
128. Although I didn’t realize it at the time, I soon understood that being kicked out of Apple was the best experience I had ever encountered in my life. Regarding everything, although I am not as confident as before, the heaviness of being a successful person has been replaced by the relief of being an entrepreneur. It made me feel so free, and I entered one of the most creative stages of my life. Over the next five years, I founded NeXT, Pixar Animation Studios, and fell in love with an elegant woman who would become my wife.