Xiang Tuo was very clever when he was a child, and everyone in the village knew him. Not only that, with the flow of population, his reputation spread far and wide. One day Confucius also heard about this prodigy and always wanted to meet him. However, Confucius is in the capital of Lu and Xiang Tuo is in the south of Qi. They are far apart, so they have never met.
Confucius was forced to leave the state of Lu because he offended powerful people, wandering around the world, sleeping in the wind, eating and living all the way, and suffering. On this day, Confucius dived across the border of Qi, and finally breathed a sigh of relief. He wanted to see the sea, so Luz drove the carriage with Confucius.
On the way, I met several children who piled a pile of soil in the middle of the road. Luz was very angry. I thought the children were too naughty and blocked the road, so I scolded several children and told them to make way. Several children simply ignored it and continued to play. Lutz got angry at the sight and wanted to do it. When Confucius saw this, he quickly stopped Luz, saying that if you hit the child, my students would only bully the weak and be afraid of the hard, so Confucius went to ask the child why you didn't make way for us.
At this moment, Xiang Tuo appeared. He was one of these children.
Xiang Tuo said to Confucius, We are building a city. I only heard that horses and chariots go around the city, but I didn't hear that the city let horses and chariots. Confucius laughed and cried after hearing this. Seeing that the child is cute, let the child walk around the mound.
Confucius saw a farmer on the side of the road and asked him to show his kindness, but he asked a strange question. Confucius asked the farmer how many hoes he waved every day. I still don't understand why the sage Confucius asked such a stupid question. It seems reasonable for people to say that Confucius does not distinguish between grains. Farmers only know how to farm. Who can count how many hoes he waved? Suddenly, he was tongue-tied and speechless. Seeing that Confucius couldn't ask anything, he lost interest and went his way.
When the master and apprentice came back from watching the sea and passed by, Luz went to ask the farmer when to rest. What did my teacher ask you just now? The farmer replied, he asked me how many times I swing a hoe a day; Lutz also asked me how many times the farmer said your horse stepped on the ground a day, and I waved my hoe. Impressed by this, Lutz thought the farmer was very witty and told Confucius when he returned.
Confucius wondered that he didn't say it just now. He got off the bus and asked the farmer, but the farmer didn't hide it, telling Confucius that his son said it. Confucius suddenly remembered the prodigy of Qi State, and stayed there that day to talk.
At first, Confucius didn't believe in the ability of a seven-year-old child, so he was very contemptuous. But as soon as he came to power, Xiang Tuo's questions came out, and he couldn't answer any of them. Xiang Tuo laughed at Confucius and said, "Who is better than Zhihu?" ? At that time, Confucius hoped that there would be a crack in the ground to get into. Putting others aside, that is the real disaster. Confucius really bowed his face to Xiang Tuo, saying that he would be awesome after his death and that he would worship Xiang Tuo as his teacher. Don't say that Xiang Tuo doesn't have this idea. Even if he did, his father couldn't let him do it. The farmer next to him quickly stopped him and begged Confucius again and again. However, Lutz was not satisfied with Xiang Tuo. After all, Confucius is learned. Seeing Luz's gloomy face, he immediately told Luz loudly, "If we have a trio, we will learn from each other.". So Confucius not only saved face in front of his disciples, but also left a reputation of modesty and shamelessness.
2. "Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration. But that one percent of inspiration is the most important, even more important than 99 percent of sweat. "
According to statistics, about 1300 inventions in Edison's life were officially registered in the Patent Office. 188 1 is the highest recorded year of his invention. This year, he applied for filing 14 1 invention, and there was a new invention every three days on average, which is also unique in history. When someone asked him the secret of success, he said so. . . . .
3, sharpening the knife does not mistake the woodcutter
Two woodcutters, Ade and Achai, went up the mountain to chop wood together.
You must go to bed early and get up early to get to the firewood cutting place at dawn. Ade thought, "If you cut one more bundle, you will get one more income. I have to get up early tomorrow and arrive before dawn. " When Cai came home, he took the time to sharpen his knife and prepared to go up the mountain with the grindstone the next day.
The next day, Adeby Achai went up the mountain first. He went all out from the beginning and never dared to rest for a moment. Although Achai went up the mountain late, he cut firewood faster than yesterday and soon caught up with Adebayor's progress.
At noon, Cai stopped to sharpen his knife. He suggested to ed, "why don't you have a rest, too?" It's not too late to grind the axe first and then continue chopping. The children at home are clamoring for wild hawthorn, so we can pick some by the way. "
Ade refused Achai, thinking, "I don't want to waste time. When you are resting, I can take the time to cut more bundles of firewood. "
Soon the day was over again. Ade only cut six bundles of firewood, and Ah guessed that in addition to nine bundles, he picked some wild hawthorn to amuse the children.
Ed is confused. He couldn't figure out why he worked so hard, but he didn't cut as much as Cai.
On the third day, Ade tried to cut down trees while observing Akai's work. He couldn't see Ah Chai's secret, but he quickly cut in. Finally, Ade couldn't help but ask, "I've been working so hard that I don't even have time to rest." Why do you chop more and faster than me? "
A Cai looked at him and smiled: "Besides skill and strength, what is more important is the axe in our hands. I often sharpen my knife, the blade is sharp, and of course I cut more wood; You never sharpen your knife. Although it may take more effort than me, the axe is getting dull, and of course you cut less firewood. "