1. When people make the best use of their talents, they can do everything; if they can do everything, they will not be able to achieve wealth and strength.
2. Take the country’s affairs as your own responsibility.
3. If you want to be prosperous and powerful in order to wipe out the national humiliation, don’t focus on storing talents.
4. We Poles have no right to leave our motherland when our country is enslaved.
5. The reason why mankind can progress, the reason why a country can be prosperous and powerful, and the reason why society can be stable all lies in politics.
6. Without industry, there will be no solid national defense, no people's welfare, and no national prosperity.
7. Only the soul of the people is valuable. Only when it is carried forward can Chinese people make real progress.
8. If people call exaggeration and violence virtues, and call gentleness and justice crimes, then such a country is not far from destruction.
9. Don’t ask what the country can do for you, but ask what you can do for the country.
10. The foundation of a country lies in its people.
11. The wise people are the source of wealth and strength.
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