Author l Buffett
Source l Buffett’s 1988 speech at the University of Florida
In 1998, Buffett gave a very meaningful speech at the University of Florida Business School This speech later became known as one of the most classic speeches in Buffett's life. Duan Yongping strongly recommended the content of this speech, and it is said that he has watched it 10 times.
The original text of the speech is relatively long. We have compiled 40 essential extracts from it into a text, covering investment concepts, business judgments and some suggestions for young people. I believe it will inspire you after reading it.
Don’t do anything outside the safety margin
01. Suppose you hand me a gun with 1,000 magazines and 1 million Magazines, only one of which contains a bullet. You say: "Put the gun at your temple and pull the trigger. How much do you want?" I won't do it. No matter how much you give me, I won’t do it.
If I win, I don’t need the money; if I lose, the result goes without saying. I don’t want to do such a thing at all, but in the financial field, people often do such things without thinking. ? 02. Suppose you have 100 million US dollars at the beginning of the year. If you do not use leverage, you can earn 10. The success rate of leveraging is 99 and you can earn 20. At the end of the year, you have 110 million US dollars or 120 million US dollars. Is there any difference? No difference at all. ? If you die at the end of the year, the person who wrote the obituary may have made a clerical error. Although you had 120 million, he wrote 110 million.
What is the use of the extra money? It's no use at all. It’s of no use to you, your family, or anyone else. ? 03. We have basically never borrowed money. Of course, our insurance company has float, but I have never borrowed money at all.
I didn’t borrow money when I only had 10,000 yuan. Wouldn’t it be different if I didn’t borrow money? I was very happy investing when I had little money.
I don’t care whether I have 10,000, 100,000, or 1 million. Unless there is an emergency, such as a serious illness and urgent need for money.
04. If you have 1 yuan now and think that when you have 2 yuan in the future, you will be happier than you are now, you may be wrong. Don’t think that earning 10 times or 20 times will make you happier. The idea of ??solving all of life's problems can easily lead you to the ditch.
If you borrow money when you shouldn’t, or if you are eager for quick success, opportunistic, or do things you shouldn’t do, you will have no place to buy regret medicine in the future.
02 A business that can be understood is a good business
05. American economist Henry Kaufman has this famous saying:
“Some people go bankrupt. There are two kinds of people, those who know nothing and those who know everything.”
I hope everyone can learn from this. ? 06. I like businesses that I can understand. I used this filter and 90% of the companies were filtered out.
There are some things that you can’t do even if you know you don’t understand them.
07. I don’t like an easy business, which will attract competitors. I like a business with a moat.
I hope to own a priceless castle, the duke who guards the castle is both capable and virtuous, and the castle is surrounded by a wide moat.
I often tell managers of Berkshire subsidiaries to widen the moat. Throw crocodiles and sharks into the moat to keep competitors out.
This depends on service, product quality, cost, and sometimes patents or business locations. This is the kind of business I'm looking for.
Where can I find such a business? I look for good business from those simple products.
In fact, it is easy to understand. The current economic situation is good and the management has both ability and political integrity. For such a business, I can roughly see what it will be like in ten years. I can’t see what will happen to some businesses in ten years, so I won’t buy them. ?For companies like Oracle, Lotus, and Microsoft, I don't understand what their moats will be like in ten years.
Gates is the best business genius I have ever met, and Microsoft also has a huge lead, but I really don’t know what Microsoft will be like in ten years, and I can’t exactly know Microsoft’s competitors. What will happen in ten years? ? However, I know what the chewing gum business will be like in ten years. No matter how the Internet develops, it will not change our chewing gum habit. It seems that nothing can change our chewing gum habit. There will certainly be more new varieties of chewing gum, but will White Arrow and Yellow Arrow disappear? Won't. ? I imagine, if I had 1 billion US dollars, could I hurt this company? Give me 10 billion US dollars to compete with Coca-Cola globally. Can I hurt Coca-Cola? I can't do it. This kind of business is good business.
08. No matter when, you must know what you are doing so that you can make a good investment. We must understand business. We can understand some businesses, but not all businesses. ? 09. We don’t care whether a company is large-cap, small-cap, mid-cap, or ultra-small cap, we only consider these few points:
Can we understand this company’s business? Do we like the management of this company? Is this company's price cheap?
Buying stocks means buying companies
A market decline is a good opportunity
10. If the company you invest in does not make money itself, it will be difficult for you to make money.
11. After people buy stocks, they stare at the stock price early the next morning. The stock price determines whether their investment is good or not. They are so confused.
Buying stocks means buying companies. This is the most basic principle taught to me by Graham.
Remember, you are not buying a stock, but a part of the company. As long as the company's business is good, and the price you buy it at is not ridiculously high, and your income is not bad, investing in stocks is as simple as that.
12. I prefer to see the market fall. When it falls, it is easier to buy good goods and make good use of money. To invest in stocks, this is a principle you must first learn. ? 13. Whatever you want to buy, you must have a reason. If you can’t give a reason, don’t buy it. ? 14. Some people regard buying stocks as watching horse racing, and that doesn't matter, but if you are investing, investing means investing funds to ensure that the funds can be recovered at a suitable rate of return in the future.
15. What we think about is not how to obtain a super high rate of return, but always remember to never lose money. ?
16. The most worth buying companies are those that you think are too expensive in terms of numbers and are reluctant to buy them, but you still want to buy them.
04 Keep the circle of competence and identify a good business
17. If you can’t understand a business at a glance, you still won’t understand it after another month or two.
To understand a business, you must have sufficient background knowledge, and you must know what you know and what you don’t know. This is the key. This is what I often say about the circle of competence. You must be clear about your own circle of competence.
18. Everyone has his own circle of competence. The important thing is not how big the circle of competence is, but staying within the circle of competence.
If there are thousands of companies on the main board, your circle of competence only covers 30 of them. As long as you know which 30 companies they are, that's fine.
19. As long as it is a good business, nothing else matters. As long as it's a good business, I don't care about big or small things, and I don't think about issues like this year or next. ? Good business, you can see what it will be like in the future, but you don't know when.
When you look at a business, just think about what it will be like in the future, don’t worry too much about when. Once you see clearly what the future of your business will be like, it doesn’t matter much when it happens.
20. For my partner Charlie Munger and I, the biggest mistake we ever made was not doing something wrong, but not doing what we should have done.
In these mistakes, we know the business very well and should have acted, but we don’t know what happened, so we just hesitate and do nothing.
? 21. I don’t study macro issues. The most important thing in investing is to figure out what is important and knowable. If something is unimportant and unknowable, leave it alone.
22. The general approach of consulting agencies is this. They first pull their economists out for a couple of rounds to talk about some big macro patterns, and then analyze them from top to bottom. We feel that these are all It's nonsense.
23. We never base our decision on whether to buy a company on how we feel about macro issues. We don’t look at forecasts about interest rates or company earnings, because they are useless.
Be a friend of time
Make money by not bothering
24. Found in one year Take a good investment opportunity and hold it until its potential is fully unleashed.
In an environment where people are shouting quotes back and forth every five minutes, and where people are always shoving reports in front of you, it's hard to stay put. Wall Street makes money by doing things, and you make money by not doing things.
25. If everyone here traded their own portfolios with each other every day, everyone would eventually go bankrupt and all the money would end up in the pockets of middlemen. ? To put it another way, you all hold an investment portfolio composed of ordinary companies, and you remain motionless for 50 years. In the end, you will all be very rich, and your brokerage will go bankrupt. A broker is like a doctor. The more times he asks you to change your medicine, the more he earns.
If he gives you a medicine to cure your disease, he can only make a sale, a transaction, and then it is gone. If he can make you believe that taking various medicines every day is good for your health, which is good for him and good for the drug seller, you will lose a lot of money. Your health will not get better, and you will lose money.
26. Stay away from any environment that stimulates you to mess around.
27. No matter which company we buy, we do not set a price target when we buy it.
For example, we bought it at 30 and never thought about selling it when it rose to 40, 50, 60 or 100. It has never been like this.
We hope that the companies we buy that are good now will still be good five years from now.
28. The correct way to think about a company is, in the long run, can this company become more and more profitable? If the answer is yes, there is no need to ask any other questions.
29. Time is the friend of good business and the enemy of bad business.
If you hold a bad business for a long time, no matter how cheap you buy it, you will only get bad returns in the end. If you hold a good business for a long time, even if you buy it more expensively, you will still get excellent returns as long as you hold it for a long time.
06 The number of diversified investments should not exceed 6 businesses
30. If you are not a professional investor and do not pursue the goal of achieving excess returns by managing funds, I think your investments should be highly diversified. . 31. If you really understand business, you should have no more than six businesses.
If you can find six good businesses, you are already spread out enough that you don’t need to spread out any more, and you can make a lot of money.
I can guarantee that if you don’t invest your money in the business you are most optimistic about, but go to the seventh business, you will definitely fall into the ditch. Few people make fortunes from the seventh best idea, but many people make fortunes from the best idea. 32. If you ask me, if I were to invest all my money in one company for twenty years, would I choose P&G or Coca-Cola? In fact, P&G’s product line is more diversified, but in comparison, I think Coca-Cola ’s certainty is higher than P&G’s.
P&G can be selected into the top 5 companies I am most optimistic about. P&G will not be defeated by competitors, but in the next 20 to 30 years, between P&G and Coca-Cola, I am more optimistic about Coca-Cola. sales growth potential and pricing power. ? 33. I still prefer a business where the product itself sells well.
McDonald’s has conducted more and more promotional activities in recent years, and it relies more and more on promotions rather than on selling the product itself.
In contrast, I prefer Gillette. People buy Fengsu 3 because they like the Fengsu 3 product itself, not to get any gifts. ?
Every night, think about the fact that one to two hundred million men’s beards are growing. When you sleep, the men’s beards are growing, and you can sleep well. Come to think of it, women have two legs, which is even better. This method is much more effective than counting sheep. If you want to find it, look for a business like this.
Some suggestions for young people
34. The shackles of habit are so light and hard to detect at first, but then they become so heavy that they cannot get rid of them. .
35. If there is someone who makes me unappetizing, but if I get together with him, I can make 100 million US dollars, I will flatly refuse. Otherwise, what is the difference with getting married for money?
You should never get married for money at any time, especially if you are already rich. ? 36. I have a job that I love, and I loved my job back when I thought making $1,000 was a lot of money.
Students, do the work you like. If you always do the work you don’t like just to make the work experience on your resume more beautiful, then you are really confused. ? 37. Whatever job you want to do after you gain financial freedom, you should do it now. Such a job is an ideal job. ? 38. Don’t you feel that doing a job you don’t like is a bit like saving your sex life when you are young and saving it for when you are older?
Sooner or later, you should start doing what you really want to do.
39. We never think about the past. We feel that there is so much to look forward to in the future, so why bother worrying about the past.
If you don’t dwell on the past, it’s useless to dwell on it. You can only look forward in life.
40. Do what you like and make friends with the people you like throughout your life.