1. Industry and true science are interdependent and mutually reinforcing. This connection is beneficial... If true science inspires and strengthens the people's ingenuity with self-consciousness, then promoted and strengthened industry can enable the development of all aspects of the people's ingenuity.
From: [Russian] Mendeleev, quoted from "Collection of Scientific Quotations"
Introduction: Dmitry Ivanovich Mendeleev (Russian) : Дми?трий Ива?нович Менделе?ев, February 7, 1834 - February 2, 1907), Russian scientist.
2. If I have made any achievements in some of the subjects I have studied by the way, it is due to the fact that the era in which I was born was richer in major inventions of nature than any other era.
From: [Germany] Goethe's "Goethe's Conversations"
Introduction: Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (August 28, 1749 - March 22, 1832), born in Frankfurt am Main, a famous German thinker, writer, and scientist. He is the most famous representative of Weimar classicism.
3. Those who invent machines or are the first to use machines effectively can temporarily make huge profits and enjoy additional benefits. But with the widespread use of machines, the price of the product will be reduced to the level of its production cost due to competition. … Laborers will also benefit from the adoption of machinery, because they will be able to purchase more commodities with the same money wages.
From: [English] Ricardo's "Works and Correspondence of Ricardo"
Introduction: One of the main representatives of British classical political economics and the completer of British classical political economics.
4. The invention and effective use of machinery will always increase the pure product of a country, although it cannot and will not after a very short time increase the value of this pure product.
From: [English] Ricardo's "Writings and Correspondence of Ricardo"
5. Where are there a group of people trained in science and mathematics who are familiar with history and receive the most important protection in the contemporary era? With the support of people and attention to handicrafts, new prospects will surely appear wherever they are.
From: [English] Bernard's "Social Function of Science"
Introduction: Bernard (full name: Claude Bernard, French: Claude Bernard, 1901-1971) He is a famous British physicist, professor at the University of Cambridge, and former director of the University's Molecular Biology Laboratory.