Confucius' famous saying. From the Analects of Confucius: "Confucius said:' Learning from the times is not pleasant?' Wang Su's note: "It is a pleasure to study in the back class, because there is no waste in the study." Wang understands "learning" and "learning" as the same meaning, which seems to refer specifically to reading. But Confucius taught people to learn "six arts", including etiquette, music, archery, bending, calligraphy and mathematics, and "reciting" was only "one end" (see Liu Baonan's The Analects). Huang Kan said, "There were three times when I was studying." One refers to age, the other refers to season, and the third refers to morning and evening. Jiang, a close friend, believes that "learning means knowing the new, and learning means judging the old" (Introduction to Thirteen Classics).
Be sensitive to things and cautious about words.
Confucius' famous saying. From the Analects of Confucius: "Confucius said:' A gentleman does not have enough to eat and is restless. He is sensitive to things and cautious in speaking. The Analects of Confucius: "A gentleman speaks slowly but acts quickly". The same meaning. It means diligent and agile, but careful in speaking. Zhu Note: "Anyone who is sensitive to things is unwilling to do so. Those who are cautious dare not do everything they have. " ("The Analects of Confucius") explained: "It is difficult to do things, so it is sensitive; Words are easy to say, so be careful. " (Zhuzi Folklore, Volume 22) In addition, it is also recorded in Xunzi Zidao, Hanshu Yiwenzhi and Shuoyuan Zayan that Confucius Lutz is "cautious about what he says".
Learning without thought is lost, thinking without learning is dangerous
Confucius' famous saying. From the Analects of Confucius: "Confucius said,' Learning without thinking is useless, and thinking without learning is dangerous'." ""confused ",confused. Zheng Xuan Note: Ignorance, ignorance. "Danger" has two meanings: first, danger, and doubt cannot be determined. One is exhausted, mentally exhausted and without income. A current solution. This sentence can be combined with the chapter "Review the past and learn the new". Close friend Yang Shuda's note: "Those who look back on the past but can't learn new things learn without thinking, and those who want to know new things without looking back on the past think without learning." Confucius advocated paying equal attention to learning and thinking, which had a great influence on Confucius' younger brother. For example, Xia Zi said he was knowledgeable and thoughtful, while the golden mean said he was knowledgeable and thoughtful. They all thought that learning and thinking should not be neglected.
People who don't believe don't know what they can do.
Confucius' famous saying. From the Analects of Confucius, "Confucius said:' People don't believe it, and they don't know what they can do. "Zheng Xuan's Note:" I don't know what I can do, and it's not feasible to say it. " . Kong Anguo's Note: "If you don't believe what you say, you will have nothing." . Zhu said: "If a person's face is not true and sincere, then everything he says is false." ("Zhuzi School" Volume 24) Jiang's best friend divided the letter into two meanings: "What you said must be true; If you say it, you will be able to practice it. " Confucius and later Confucianism attached great importance to faith. "Keep your word, and do what you want" (The Analects of Confucius Wei Linggong) is the principle of Confucius' life.
Speak slowly and act quickly.
Confucius' famous saying. From the Analects of Confucius: "Confucius said,' A gentleman speaks without doing anything'". Bao Xian notes: "Stupid, dull. If you want to talk late, you will want to get sick. " Zhu quoted Xie as saying: "it's easy to speak, so I want to be plain;" It is difficult to practice, so I want to be sensitive. " There are many synonymous sentences in The Analects of Confucius, such as "Be careful in the end, you will regret" (politics), "The ancients can't speak, they are not ashamed to bow" (establishing a man), and "A gentleman is ashamed to do what he says" (virtuous writing), all of which can reflect Confucius' consistent thought of being cautious in speaking. See "Sensitivity and Caution".
Virtue is not alone, there must be neighbors.
Confucius' famous saying. From the Analects of Confucius: "Confucius said,' If you are not alone, you must have neighbors'." "
Listen to what a person says and see what he does.
Confucius' famous saying. Gongye Chang's The Analects: "Slaughter day and night. Confucius said,' Rotten wood cannot be carved, nor can dung walls be carved. What is the punishment? "Confucius said,' I first applied it to people, and I listened to his words and believed in his actions.' Confucius said in Shuo Yuan Zun Xian: "A husband can learn from others and watch his words and deeds ... so watch his words first and slap his actions." Dai Li Ji My Brother De: "Confucius said,' If you want to convince people with words, you want to correct them with evil. ""that's the chapter. Zhu quoted Hu's comment: Confucius listened to his words and observed his actions, so we set up a police disciple group to make our words more sensitive to our actions. " (Notes on the Analects of Confucius)
Sensitive and eager to learn, not ashamed to ask questions.
Confucius' famous saying. The Analects of Confucius Gongye Chang: "Zi Gong asked,' Why does Confucius call it a literary work?' Confucius said,' You are eager to learn and are not ashamed to ask questions, so you can speak and write.' "Kong Wenzi, Doctor Who." "Wen" is his death. Zhu note: "mortals are sensitive and learn more, but it is difficult to learn." Those who are in high positions are ashamed to ask questions. " Therefore, it is difficult for people to use' diligent and inquisitive' to cover the funeral law. "(Annotation to the Analects of Confucius) added:" The ancient people eulogized widely ","Confucius and Wen Zi were not firm, but learned from others "(Zhuzi Language, Volume 29).
Gentle, then a gentleman.
Confucius' famous saying. From The Analects of Confucius Yongye: "Confucius said:' Quality is better than literature, literature is better than history, gentle and gentle, and then a gentleman'." According to the meaning, writing and literary talent; Quality, simplicity; Binbin, mixed phase. In the Southern Song Dynasty, Zhu Zhu annotated The Analects of Confucius: "Scholars should make up for the loss, but as for virtue, it was unexpected." Liu Baonan's "The Analects of Confucius Justice" in Qing Dynasty: "Rites are of quality, and texts are also. Quality, this is also. No ceremony without foundation, no words, can be done. " Confucius said "Wen" refers to the external expression of ceremony; "Quality" refers to the inner benevolence. Only when you have the inner character of "benevolence" and can show it in a polite way can you become a "gentleman" The relationship between literature and quality is the relationship between courtesy and benevolence. This article embodies the ideal personality of "gentleman" that Confucius highly praised; The other embodies his consistent golden mean: that is, he does not advocate emphasizing literature over partiality, nor does he advocate emphasizing quality over partiality; It is not easy to be impartial and have the best of both worlds, but it has gone too far. "Confucius said,' The writings of the Yin and Zhou Dynasties, the quality of Yu Xia, are the best. Yu Xia's text is unparalleled in quality; The quality of Yin and Zhou Dynasties is beyond words; How easy is it to say that the quality of words is good? "(The Book of Rites)