Such people are not geniuses, but they have strong learning ability, such as myself. I think my head is still quite good. Generally speaking, I don't listen to lectures in class and don't read books after class. In the final exam, I will grasp the teacher's key points and study hard. Especially in college, as long as you study hard to prepare for the final exam, your grades can be scary. Get up at five o'clock in the final exam, go to the library at six o'clock, and read books until 12 every day.
If you don't study hard at ordinary times, you must redouble your efforts. If you don't learn knowledge points at ordinary times, you have to learn the exam from the beginning. This is such a simple principle. Ask others if you don't understand, instead of being lost in your dreams. Strong learning ability can make you get good grades without studying hard, but this attitude is often a fluke. If the teacher wants to test your basic knowledge, you will unfortunately catch it because your basic knowledge is not solid at all. Besides, exams in universities are very difficult. As long as you are willing to study hard, it is no problem to get a scholarship.