Putin said, "There is no reason why Russia and Ukraine should not reconcile." Is this reasonable? Of course it makes sense. Reason one is that any two countries will establish normal diplomatic relations. As Putin said, in the world, under any circumstances, it is normal for two countries to establish normal and friendly relations, even more than friendly allies. If two countries are at war, there will be no way to reconcile.
The second reason is that they were very close in history. Both Ukraine and Russia were once members of the former Soviet Union. They once belonged to the same whole and had many similar interests. Although they are separated now, they are still inextricably linked. The historical friendship is still affecting many Russians and Ukrainians. A considerable number of Russians and Ukrainians want to promote friendship between the two countries and let the two countries develop together.
Reason three: Russia and Ukraine have the same religious beliefs. Putin emphasized that he believes Ukrainians and Russians belong to the same nation because they have the same history and religious beliefs. And the same strong religious beliefs will help them find common ground with each other, and they will come together and get closer to each other, try to talk to each other, get in touch and understand each other and reveal their hearts.
Putin believes that sooner or later common sense will prevail and reconciliation will begin. Over time, the identity of this part of Russia will be determined to some extent. It's like Putin said, just remember that we have a lot in common, and we can use that as a competitive advantage in some integration processes. Therefore, the same religious beliefs will help the reconciliation between the two countries.