Q: "Focus on it, Zhuxiu' is in the land of Lu' 7 Li'. According to Mencius' theory of' hundred Li', Lu' an has a land of 7 Li?" Yue: "Seven hundred Li is the book of rites, so it is said that the land of Duke Zhou Qufu is seven hundred Li. For example, Zuo Zhuan also said together, and some people often doubt this place. If it's a hundred miles away, how can we be a country without the land of Zhangpu County in Longxi, and how can we tolerate it? The so-called' mountains and rivers of tin, vassals of earth fields' are bound to be more than a hundred miles. "However, it's hard to study here, so I have to say it according to the Book of Rites. [Yu] Di Lu said, "Zhou Li speaks 5 Li in Mandarin. The Book of Rites says 7 Li. If Mencius said a hundred miles, then if it is not a city today, how can it be a country? "How can you hold a swallow in your stomach?"
Q: "Many scholars refer to' Tiger Boy' as Ji's family and' Guiyu' as official office, don't they?" Yue: "There is no such intention in the literal sense. And it is to answer his' two ministers don't want to'. The tiger is on the mountain, the turtle and jade are elsewhere, and they don't do the things of the guardian. It is the fault of the standard-keeper to walk in the coffin and be destroyed in the coffin. Above Ran Qiu points thin, saying,' the master wants it, and my two ministers don't want it'. Confucius blamed him for being more guilty than the standard-keepers. This felling of zhuanxu is really a mistake between the two sons. "After answering the questions of the officials, I talked casually, but I didn't mention Ji's family and the office, so there was no need to have more branches and vines. Zhong Si asked, "Why ask for it alone?" He said, "I think he is more scheming, and I always fall on him." [Yu]
Q: "What are the meanings of' Xiao Qiang' and' Xiao'?" Yue: "I have never been fastidious. "However, according to the old saying, when a vassal comes to the screen, he should show his respect. I don't know whether it is true or not. [Dao]
Three Movements of Beneficiary
Question on "Music Festival, Rites and Music". "It's a simple statement," said Yue. "I'm just paying attention to rites and music. It's good to pay attention to it when it's appropriate. " [Dao]
The taste asks, "Those who lose will have three pleasures". He said, "Feast is the most terrible thing, and the so-called' feast is safe and poisonous' is true." [Time]
Q: "'The gains and losses of the three are opposite'. "If you travel, you are arrogant and lazy, but you hate to hear the good." How is this contrary to "the goodness of a Taoist?" As the saying goes, "If you are happy with the goodness of a Taoist, you will always draw attention to the goodness. "If you wander around, you'll be living a loose life. Although the damage is slight, it's not a small one. He also asked, "'The harm of being a Taoist priest' means that it is beyond the reach of encouragement. If you wander, you have always been lazy and have no heart for goodness. So see the opposite. " Yue: "The three are like arrogance and joy, but extravagance is the most harmful thing. "When you have a feast, you must be close to the villain and alienate the gentleman." 「 Congratulations 」
There are three chapters in your servant.
Q: "'If you don't see the color, it's ugly.' Is it true that you don't see the facts?" He said, "You can't read a person's words without seeing a color." Yue: "In this case, color refers to the speaker." He said, "Every time Fan played something, he never looked at his face. When someone is the prime minister, the cloud says,' This public will live here soon.' After a while, the fruit went away without saying anything. People may ask it. Yun:' If you look at the sacred face, can Ann talk to herself?' Well said, naturally. But some thought, not so. Speaking to people depends on what he means, or whether he listens sincerely, or if he has to, he looks like permission. At home, we must also observe the words and deeds, so we try our best to seduce them. Don't make a general statement, just let it be accepted. There are ordinary villains, waiting for people to dominate the color and cater to the trend, which is naturally a big bad thing. But a gentleman's words and deeds, his heart from different ears. If people mainly discuss what's going on in the world, how can they not look at the color and just say that they will go to the toilet! "[Congratulations]
A gentleman has three precepts
or ask a gentleman three precepts. As the saying goes, "Although the blood gas has its ups and downs, a gentleman should always be on guard with it, and don't be enslaved by the blood gas. "Because of the theory that blood and gas move people, it is said:" Diseases can also move people. Lu Bogong read' Bowing to others but blaming others lightly' after illness, and suddenly he saw something, so he decided to come down here. "[Elegance]
Ask and note Fan's argument about blood gas and ambition. He said, "It is ambition to be old and unyielding. "[Shi Ju]
Q:"' A gentleman has three precepts' chapter, and Xie Yue said,' Eat bean soup, and shout with it, but there is something wrong with it; It' s a slap in the face and it' s disdainful. This is not a righteous heart, but a strong blood. " Fear is the victory of righteousness, not the strength of blood. Xie also said:' Ten thousand minutes and no death, far away. There are those who suffer without distinguishing propriety and righteousness, and their blood is failing. " I am afraid that if I don't distinguish between propriety and righteousness, I will suffer, and I will be bloody. "Yue:" Xie said that he was only in a hurry and lacked three figures. When the cloud says,' This is not a special righteousness, but also a strong blood, so it is also.' Cover the blood and gas to help the righteous heart rise. When a person's blood gas declines, so does his righteous heart. Master's three precepts are for blood gas. "Ask again:" Xie's temperament is blood gas. "Yue:" Qi is just one qi. The spirit of integrity is just this spirit, but it is only nourished by morality. And raise awe-inspiring, but can also help righteousness and Tao. "[must be big]
A gentleman has three fearsome chapters
The word" fear of destiny "is good. If you pay attention to the truth, you will do it. If you dare not violate it, you will be afraid. For example, see no evil listened to words and deeds, and her husband was wary of fear, so they were all afraid of destiny. However, we must also pay attention to the fact that destiny is a good place to get it. [Dao]
Q: "'Your Excellency' means that someone has said no? "Yue:" There are more than one person, but those who have a position, teeth and virtue are all called' adults'. "Q:" These three sentences are all about' fear of destiny'. "yue:" naturally. It is natural for adults and holy words to be afraid of destiny. "Q:" It's the first thing to fear destiny, but it's the first thing to know destiny. Destiny is justice. If you don't prophesy this truth, you will be ignorant. How can you know that it is awesome? This little man is so unscrupulous. "yue:" all that matters is knowledge. Only when you know it, you can't be afraid. "Q:" How deep is it? Generally, I only know some truth, and when I have made few mistakes in doing things, my heart will be anxious. This is not to be afraid. "yue:" knowledge is inherently shallow. However, as far as he is concerned, each has his own nature. And if one thing is so, it is not so, and it is self-evident. When it comes to things, it's not the case. If it's the case, it's just as well, so it's harmless, and it's going to be done by itself. Although this is known, it cannot be done. However, it is also not known, and it is not known, so it is so. Sages teach people, and when they split their heads in college, they say a thing and know something. The most important thing is to know the truth. People do something wrong when they know it is not good, and they do it when it is temporary, but they don't know it. People know that killing people with black beaks is inedible and flatly refuses to eat, which is also true knowledge. It is a special failure to know the wrong thing to do, but still do it. Therefore, those who fail to know the truth are due to the fact that they only pay attention to a lot of things outside, but they don't pay attention to them inside, so they are a little black. It's not that you can't ignore it outside, it's just that some bones are not broken inside. Therefore, the teaching of the university makes people be things and things, so we can watch a lot of teaching from the outside. You must also pay attention to your own experience and teach very carefully. "[He Sun] Luo Luyun:" Taste asks:' Is' Fear of Destiny' a general idea? " Yue:' solid is. If people are not afraid of this truth, the following things will not be done.' He asked,' If you don't know this truth, how can you be afraid?' Say,' You must be a prophet to be afraid. But if you know a little, you will do it with the depth. Everything has a destiny. If you know everything, you are fearless, lest you get lost. " "
A gentleman has a Jiu Si chapter
Ask" Jiu Si ". He said, "It's not a complicated thought. When this one is on, think about this one. "[< fireflies, in which" insects change fields ">
or ask" a gentleman has Jiu Si ". He said, "Being fair and honest, with color and appearance, can make him warm and respectful. If you are audio-visual, how can you make him smart? "yue:" this is just sincerity, so it will happen. "yue:" if it is said by the public, nothing will happen, that is, the sage has taught people otherwise. Everything has its rules. There is only one thing, and there is a reason from each family. The cleverness of the eyes and ears comes from the sky, and it comes from the same, only to cover up the confusion for selfish desires and lose it. Sages teach people not to pay attention to one thing, but the rest will be fine. You have to work hard one by one, and look at it again and again, and you will know that many expenses have been rectified outside, and Yuan Lai's illness and slander are all here. Seeing that saints teach people, they will hold them inside and outside, and they will accumulate and mature, so there will be no leakage. If you are sincere, you will be fine. Today, some people are right, and it is not good to let them be rude outside. There are also people who are self-righteous under the heart, and they are suffering from arrogance outside. How can justice see clearly and listen attentively? It's just audio-visual attention Seeing far is only bright, listening to virtue is only clever'. If there is a gratifying thing in front of us, we must look at him, which is covered by him. At this time, you must know that there is a sense, which is gratifying, but this thing is not taken seriously. This is the truth, that is, seeing far, not covering the immediate near the bottom, so it is said that' seeing far is only bright'. There are useless words, nonsense words, and flattering sweet words with your husband; There are words of benevolence and loyalty. Words of benevolence, righteousness and faithfulness must always be listened to; Many of them are hard to talk, so we must not teach them to listen, so they say,' Listen to virtue but be clever'. "[He Sun]
Q:" Cheng Zi said,' Each of the nine is specialized in one.' "yue:" those who are single-minded are not miscellaneous but think about it. "or:" is it the meaning of' master one'? "yue:" naturally. "There is another cloud:"' It's hard to think in anger.' For example,' the anger of a dynasty, forget its body, and its relatives', this is not difficult. "[Dao]
Seeing the good is not as good as the chapter
" Doing righteousness to achieve the Tao ",and doing righteousness means achieving the Tao. If you don't do it, it will accumulate in the middle; If you do, you will see everything. [Tao]
Q: "Is it appropriate to do what is righteous to achieve the Tao?"? "yue:" ambition is the way to keep what you have achieved; Tao is the ambition to do what you want. Seek seclusion and make it full of Tao. Doing righteousness means getting the right place at the right time and doing what you should do. I'm a minister, sir. I just do what I want. Do what you want in order to achieve what you want. "He asked again," If you are Kong Ming, can you take it as this? "yue:" that's right. For example,' Yi Yin cultivates a field full of curiosity, but enjoys the way of Yao and Shun', which means' hiding the monarch for his ambition'. And stand up suddenly,' make the monarch the king of Yao and Shun, and make the people the people of Yao and Shun', which is' doing righteousness to achieve its way'. "Fei Qing said," If Qidiao Kai fails to be confident, why not seek his ambition? "yue:" so those who fail to believe, but' seek their aspirations', did not say' do righteousness to achieve their Tao'. "Again, he said," You must be convinced. If you read the sage's book, from morning till night, and do nothing, you will say,' Sage, talk like this!' This is not to be trusted. Believers, seeing this, will definitely do so. Confucius said,' I believe in learning, and I am good at dying.' Scholars must be convinced. "You can't believe it if you see it rashly. "yue:" so, it must be seen at first sight. However, it is necessary to be eager to learn if you believe in it. If you believe in it but are not eager to learn, you can't distinguish right from wrong, but it will do a lot of harm. I have been eager to learn, and then I can defend my life to be good at it. "Ask again:" As the following article says, is it the power of faith? "yue:" if you are trustworthy, you will not enter the dangerous country, and the chaotic country will not live; If there is a way in the world, it will not be hidden. If there is no way in the world, it will not be seen. It is definitely a matter of doing it. "[embarrassing]
Q:"' Seeing good is not as good as seeing bad is like exploring soup.' The last section is about entering morality, and the next section is about becoming morality. And the source is beyond human power, so it is said that' no one has been seen'. "yue:" you just need to make up a few words. what are you doing? This matter is not about' I saw him' or' I didn't see him'. How much meaning is there if the meanings of' seeing good as inferior, seeing bad as probing soup' and' living in seclusion for one's ambition and doing righteousness to achieve one's Tao' are included! Bao has a problem with reading words. He doesn't just read in the words, but he has to be bored. Generally speaking, it is interesting to read the text only from inside him. I didn't know what I meant today, but I wrapped one or two good words in it and ignored them. This is a serious illness in reading. It must be, and as far as he is concerned, this article is broken word by word. Seeing this truth is straight through, there is no obstacle, so the two paragraphs are shallow and deep, so it is easy to see. "[He Sun]
Q:" Yang's introduction of' attainment' is feasible in the world,' solving' seclusion to achieve his ambition, and doing righteousness to achieve his Tao', or asking that it is unstable, why not? "yue:" when interpreting the classics, we should take Yi Xiaodi's sentence to solve the problem, but not those who are difficult to understand and understand Yi Xiao. Living in seclusion for one's ambition, doing righteousness for one's way', these two sentences are self-explanatory. Today, if you quote' it is feasible in the world', the quoted sentence will be difficult to understand. Heaven's people, to be feasible in the world and then do it'. The so-called Hengqu:' Bide will give birth to the people and then go out, and Ilu is also.' If it's just a country and a township, this person is not light. He who speaks of the people of heaven means that he is not an ordinary person, but the people of heaven. The cloud of the heavenly people is also called' the good man in the world', which is different from those who live in seclusion for their ambition and do righteousness to achieve their Tao. "[Biggest]