There are five so-called unfilial people in the secular world: they have four feelings, regardless of their parents' support and are unfilial; It is also unfilial to abandon good wine and ignore the support of parents; Good wealth, private wife regardless of parental support, three unfilial; From the desire for eyes and ears, I thought that my parents were killed and four were unfilial; Brave and heartless, endangering parents, unfilial. -Mencius
I am old, and people are old; Young people, young people, young people. -Mencius
Those who enjoy the people, the people enjoy themselves; People have their worries, and people have their worries. Joy in the world, worry in the world, but not the king, nothing. Mencius, Hui Liang and Wang Xia
Mencius said, "I know what I say, and I am good at nurturing my noble spirit." Mencius, gongsun and Chou.
Mencius said: "When the sage is respected and the hero is in power, all the people in the world are happy and willing to stand in his court." Mencius, gongsun and Chou.
Mencius said: "The weather is not as good as the geographical position, and the geographical position is not as good as human harmony." Mencius, gongsun and Chou.
Mencius said, "Those who have gained the Tao will help more, while those who have lost the Tao will help less. When there is little help, relatives will be there; With more help, the world is peaceful. " Mencius, gongsun and Chou.
Mencius said, "Richness and wealth can't be lewd, poverty and lowliness can't be moved, and powerful people can't be bent. This is called a gentleman. " Mencius and Teng Wengong.
Mencius said, "Irregularities cannot be square members (circles)." Mencius on Li Lou.
Mencius said, "Adults are childlike." Mencius and Li Lou.
Mencius said, "A gentleman is considerate with benevolence and considerate with courtesy. Benevolent people love others, while courteous people respect others. Those who love others will always love others, and those who respect others will always respect others. " Mencius and Li Lou.
Mencius said, "Fish is what I want. Bear's paw is what I want You can't have your cake and eat it. You can't have your cake and eat it. Life is what I want. Justice is what I want. You can't have both, and those who give up their lives are also righteous. " Mencius Gao Zishang
Mencius said: "Therefore, heaven will be a great task to people, so we must first suffer their minds, work their bones and muscles, starve their bodies and skin, and mess with their behavior, so we can endure and benefit from their incompetence." Mengzi gaozixia
Mencius said, "The people are the most important, the country is the second, and the monarch is the light." Mencius wholeheartedly.
Mencius said: "Those who are more than others are not good at eyes. Eyes can't hide their evil. Eyes with regular breasts; Irregular chest and eyes. Listen to him. Look into his eyes. How thin are people? " On Mencius and Li Lou.
Although there are things that are easy to live in the world, if it is violent for one day and cold for ten days, no one can live. -Mencius
Only the benevolent should hold high positions. Being unkind and in a high position is to spread its evil to the public. -Mencius
The son of heaven is ruthless and does not protect the four seas; The princes are heartless and do not protect the country; Doctor Qing is ruthless and does not protect the ancestral temple; Shu Ren is heartless. He didn't protect his four bodies. -Mencius