When Gou Jian met Fu Cha, he behaved extremely humbly and respectfully. Unable to withstand Gou Jian's few kind words, Fu Chai's heart was shaken again, so he decided to imprison him in a stone room without killing him yet. So Wu Zixu advised Fu Chai again: "I heard that those who want to achieve kingship attack the enemy country, and if they win, they will kill the enemy king. Therefore, they have no fear of retaliation, and thus their descendants will be exempted from the fear of retaliation." Now that the king of Yue has been imprisoned in the stone chamber, he should have made up his mind to get rid of him. Otherwise, he will become a great disaster to the state of Wu. "But at this time, Bo Xifu said: "In the past, Duke Huan of Qi went north to the mountains. Rong Yi rescued Yan, and when he came back, Yan Jun sent him to the territory of Qi. Duke Huan of Qi ceded all the lands where Yan Jun went to Yan. Duke Huan of Qi was praised by the world for this. When fighting against the Chu State, he had to wait until the Chu army had crossed the Yangtze River and set up their positions before ordering the war. Therefore, people praised him for his moral integrity, and those who succeeded were praised for their virtue and justice. If the king can pardon the king of Yue, his fame will surpass that of the previous sage kings." After hearing what they said, Fu Chai hesitated for a moment. At that time, he was in poor health and was ill, so he said, "Let's put it aside for a while and wait until I recover."